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Water and Land Resources Division (WLR), King County, Washington

Document Price List
Water and Land Resources Division

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If the document or information that you are seeking is not listed here, please contact
206-296-6519, Toll-free 800-325-6165 or TTY 800-833-6388.

Copying Cost

8.5 x 11 or 8.5 x 14 (letter or legal)
Per page $.15 + tax.

11 x 17 or 24 x 36 (oversized)
Per page $.50 - $1.00 + tax.

Black and white two-sided copies are charged as a single page.

Color two-sided copies are charged per side.

Color copies prices will vary from $1.00 - $10.00+ depending on the size of the document being printed.

Sales tax = 8.9% (To calculate tax, multiply cost x .089)

Brochures & Flyers

The first 10 pieces of items listed below are free. Additional copies below are $.50 a piece.

Free copies available. Download by clicking on the underlined titles. Most files are provided in Adobe Acrobat, you will need this program installed on your computer. For help with Acrobat, click here.


Download a free copy. Files are provided in Adobe Acrobat, you will need this program installed on your computer. For help with Acrobat, click here.

Manual, Plans, and Reports

a-c | d-f | g-i | j-l | m-o | p-r | s-u | v-z

A Literature Review of Recommended Buffer Widths To Maintain Varius Functions Of Stream Riparian Areas (Water's Edge)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$4.75 $.42   $5.17
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$4.75 $.42 $1.00 $6.17

Bear Creek Basin Plan (Adopted 1992)
Mary Maier

A 115-page document plus ordinance 10513 that presents the surface water management plan for the Bear Creek Watershed. This document was jointly funded and developed by King County, Snohomish County, and the City of Redmond from 1987 to 1990. It contains land use recommendations, regulations, capital projects, and programs to reduce and prevent flooding, erosion, and preserve salmonid habitat in the 50-square-mile Bear Creek Basin.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$6.26 $.56   $6.82
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$6.26 $.56 $2.00 $8.82

Best Management Practicies for Golf Courses
Jeff Burkey

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$8.60 $.76   $9.36
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$8.60 $.76 $2.56 $11.92

Bear Creek Current & Future Conditions Analysis
Mary Maier

A 150+ page report documenting the technical and professional analysis upon which the Bear Creek Basin Plan is founded. This includes land use, hydrology, geology, stream channel characteristics, stream habitat and water quality analyses.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$6.26 $.56   $6.82
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$6.26 $.56 $2.00 $8.82

Beaver Lake Management Plan & Technical Appendices, Nov. 1993
Sally Abella

From Phase I Centennial Clean Water Fund Management Plan which describes: the study area, project methods, existing water quality of the lake, modeling analysis, and lake and watershed management recommendations needed to preserve lake water quality. Appendices contain background materials used to develop the Plan.

Mgmt. Plan Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$9.85 each volume $.88   $10.73
Appendices Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$9.85 each volume $.88 $4.10 $14.83

Beaver Lake Mangement Plan & Technical Appendices, 1996 - 2000
Sally Abella

Plan Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$14.41 each volume $1.28   $15.69
Plan Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$14.41 each volume $1.28 $3.00 $18.69

Biofilteration System For Storm Water Quality Control
Sally Abella

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$7.40 $.66   $8.06
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$7.40 $.66 $2.90 $10.96

Boeing Creek/Shoreview Park Northpond FEIS, 1990
Curt Crawford

This document covers the proposed construction of a detention pond in an undeveloped area of Shoreview Park. The pond will intercept storm water of the N. Tributary & S. Tributary of Boeing Creek, and release it at a rate that will substantially reduce erosion of the creek beds and banks. The detention pond will provide storm water storage needed to alleviate serious upstream flooding. The pond area will be dry most of the time and it is designed to be used for passive recreation. A deep & hazardous gully in the park will be filled to eliminate a safety hazard and provide more recreational space.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$20.00 $1.78   $21.78
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$20.00 $1.78 $2.90 $24.68

Ceder River Basin & Nonpoint Action Plan (Adopted 1997)
Tom Beavers

This plan recommends over 150 projects and programs to reduce flood hazards, protect key salmon habitat and restore damaged conditions, while improving water quality. The first copy is free.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$18.42 $1.64   $20.06
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$18.42 $1.64 $4.10 $24.16

Ceder River Current & Future Conditions Report
Tom Beavers

This November, 1993 report describes the conditions in the tributary and mainstem systems of the 66-square-mile BPA through several disciplinary perspectives. These disciplines include geology and groundwater, hydrology, erosion and deposition, water quality, aquatic habitat, and the public & governmental forces affecting the basin's resources. Conditions are discussed from basinwide and subbasin points of view.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$20.00 $1.78   $21.78
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$20.00 $1.78 $3.00 $24.78

Ceder River Current & Future Conditions Summary Report
Tom Beavers. The first copy is free.

Ceder River Enviromental Impact Statement (February , 1995 Draft)
Tom Beavers. The first copy is free.

Channel Migration In The Three-Forks Area of the Snoqualmie River
Sandy Kilroy

Historic limits and rates of channel migration, estimation of probable future limits, and maps depicting channel migration hazard zones.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$18.42 $1.64   $20.06
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$18.42 $1.64 $3.00 $23.06

Characteristics Of The Low-Elevation Sphagnum-Dominate Peatlands of Wester Washington: A Community Profile
Part 1: Physical, Chemical and Vegetation Characteristics

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$15.00 $1.34   $16.34
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$15.00 $1.34 $2.50 $18.84

CIP Managment System Reference Manual
Lynda Yost

Covers the Capital Improvement Program process: project management, scheduling, budget process, design, SEPA & permitting, construction, monitoring, & public involvement. Volumes 2 & 3 are appendices depicting completed forms, samples of reports, accounting tracking systems, property easements, and other often-used forms.

Vol I Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$41.44 $3.69   $45.13
Vol I Cost Tax 4th Class Shipping Shipped Total
$41.44 $3.69 $6.00 $51.13
Entire Set Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$123.39 $10.98   $134.27
Entire Set Cost Tax 4th Class Shipping Shipped Total
$123.39 $10.98 $8.00 $150.37

Coal Creek Basin Plan And FEIS (Adpted 1987)
Bill Eckel

A 200+ page document that presents the existing conditions, problems, alternative solutions to the surface water management problems in the Coal Creek Basin.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$4.95 $.44   $5.39
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$4.95 $.44 $2.00 $7.39

Covington Master Drainage Plan Volume I (Adopted 1991)
MDP for an urban activity center between Little Soos and Jenkins Creeks in Southeast King County. It is a supplement to the Soos Creek Basin Plan. The MDP was developed to accommodate development while protecting stream, fish, wetland, and ground water resources. Chapter 9 contains the FEIS.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$23.48 $2.09   $25.57
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$23.48 $2.09 $4.10 $29.65

Covington Master Drainage Plan Volume II
A technical appendices used to develop the Covington MDP. It has: (1) maps of the Study area, (2) a geotechnical/geologic/ground water study, (3) a stream habitat study, (4) retrofit cost estimates, (5) HSPF analysis, (6) cost estimates, (7) water quality criteria & pollutant-loading estimates, (8) agency correspondence, (9) property owner survey, (10) on-site septic analysis, (11) hazardous substances, (12) and copper-loading reduction strategy.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$16.94 $1.51   $18.45
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$16.94 $1.51 $4.65 $23.10

Critical Drainage Area Public Rules
There are currently no Critical Drainage Areas (CDA) designated in unincorporated King County. The protection measures of former CDAs have been incorporated into the stormwater standards found in the 2005 Surface Water Design Manual. Copies of former CDAs (applicable under the 1990 Surface Water Design Manual) can be purchased from Water and Land Resources for copying fees.

Des Moines Basin Plan

The plan recommends watershed management measures to protect resources and respond to increasing hazards & property damage in Des Moines creek basins from rapid urbanization.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$16.70 $1.49   $18.19
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$16.70 $1.49 $2.86 $21.05

Design Manual
The 2005 manual contains the requirements and standards for designing surface and storm water management systems in King County. As part of the permit approval process for certain types of permits for proposed projects, King County requires the construction of surface water and storm water management systems to mitigate the impacts on natural & existing human-made drainage systems. This manual regulates proposed projects by a mixture of requirements, performance, and design standards. Requirements are quite specific. Performance & design standards are less specific, directing the design engineer to accomplish a defined goal in a consistent manner considering site constraints, objectives of a project, and technical limitations.

Does not include the hydrologic/hydraulic models required on some projects. See the King County Runoff Time series for the related computer models. Supporting documentation for the manual can be found at

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$145.00 $12.91   $157.91
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$145.00 $12.91 $13.00 $170.91

2005 Surface Water Design Manual (SWDM) - Appendix C
Appendix C includes pre-engineered flow control, water quality, and erosion control BMPs that may be applied directly to projects qualifying for small site drainage review. Typically, these BMPs are allowed for small projects adding less than 10,000 square feet of new impervious surfaces. The use of flow control BMPs is also now required on all commercial and residential single-parcel projects in addition to engineered flow control facilities. Note: Appendix C is included as part of the 2005 Surface Water Design Manual, and therefore does not have to be purchased separately. It can also be downloaded from

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$10.00 $.89   $10.89
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.00 $.89 $2.00 $12.89

2005 Surface Water Design Manual - Appendix D
Appendix D includes the Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) standards, facilities, and BMPs. Appendix D is applicable to all land disturbing development activities subject to drainage review. Projects not subject to drainage review are not required to have erosion control plans; however, all land disturbing activities are required to meet minimum erosion control standards (King County Code 16.82) which may require providing ESC measures detailed in this appendix. Most projects subject to drainage review, require an ESC plan prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer. Appendix D is provided as a stand-alone document for construction and erosion control specialists who are not interested in other surface water controls. Note: Appendix D is included as part of the 2005 Surface Water Design Manual, and therefore does not have to be purchased separately. It can also be downloaded from

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$10.00 $.89   $10.89
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.00 $.89 $2.00 $12.89

East Lake Sammamish Conditions Report
Clint Loper

This report assesses surface water problems and the overall conditions of streams, lakes, and wetlands in the ELS basin. It also predicts how these conditions will change as the basin develops. The information from the report was used to provide input for the development of a comprehensive basin management plan. Aquatic resources are in fair to good condition, but are beginning to experience great change as a result of land-use changes from small farms and low-density residential uses to suburban and urban densities. These changes include increases in stream flows, and human alteration of streams, wetlands and their vegetated corridors. The effects of these changes include localized flooding, decreased water quality, erosion of stream channels and steep slopes, and loss of fish & wildlife habitat.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$9.81 $.87 .. . $10.68
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$9.81 $.87 $2.90 $13.58

Final East Lake Sammamish Basin & Nonpoint Action Plan, December, 1994
Clint Loper

This plan evaluates the water quality, aquatic resources, and surface water problems of the ELS Basin under past, current, and future conditions. It also defines a comprehensive surface water management program. The plan combines a county-funded basin plan and state-funded nonpoint action plan. Both basinwide and subbasin management recommendations are contained in the plan. These include: (1) regulatory controls focusing on improved onsite retention/detention, improved water quality control, and requirements for subcatchment areas that drain to significant wetlands, (2) capital improvement projects to reduce water pollution, flooding and erosion, and repair damage to aquatic habitat, and (3) education, evaluation, and monitoring programs.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$10.00 $.89 .. . $10.89
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.00 $.89 $2.90 $13.79

Eastern Tributaries of the Lower Green River Enhanced Reconnaissance Report
This November 1994 study has two basic goals: 1. To produce a rapid but systematic inventory & analysis of conditions in the stream and drainage system, covering resources and problems under both current and future land uses: 2. To identify the high-priority management needs in the study area and to outline a recommended program for surAface water management.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$13.81 $1.23   $15.04
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$13.81 $1.23 $4.10 $19.14

Evaluation of commercially Available Catch Basin Inserts For The Treatment Of Stormwater Runoff From Developed Sites
John Koon

Growning concern over the impact of pollutants that are washed from paved areas in the urban environment has prompted regulatory agencies to examine new methods of stormwater treatment. The private sector recognizes the need to develop products that will help reduce water pollution problems. Among these products are devices designed to fit beneath storm drain inlets and remove pollutants from stormwater runoff. These devices are commonly referred to as catch basin inserts.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$7.40 $.66   $8.06
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$7.40 $.66 $2.90 $10.96

Evaluation of Water Quality Ponds & Swales In The Issaquah/Easst Lake Sammamish Basins
John Koon

Originally conceived as a pair of inflow/outflow performance evaluations of two wetponds, the focus of the project expanded from the quantification of removal efficiencies of wetponds, to include the documentation of the overall status of wetponds and biofiltration swales.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$7.37 $.66   $8.03
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$7.37 $.66 $2.90 $10.93

Flood Control Project - Snoqualmie River

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$7.62 $.68   $8.30
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$7.62 $.68 $3.00 $11.30

Flood Hazard Reduction Plan Final
Steve Bleifuhs

This Nov. 1993 plan analyzes flooding problems and potential solutions along the six major rivers that flow through King County: the Skykomish, Snoqualmie, Cedar, Sammamish, Green, and White. To address flooding problems, this plan includes: (1) policies to guide floodplain land use & flood control activities, (2) program & project recommendations, including CIP's, maintenance, relocation and elevation of homes, and flood warning improvements & river planning activities, (3) implementation priorities for program & project recommendations, and (4) an analysis of major financial alternatives and issues.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$13.81 $1.23   $15.04
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$13.81 $1.23 $4.10 $19.14

Flood Hazard Reduction Plan Appendix B Problem Sites & Project Recommendations
Steve Bleifuhs

This January 1993 appendix represents an assessment of problems and the related project needs for the reduction of riverine flood hazards in King County. It is based primarily upon observations logged after the 1990 floods filled local river valleys in ways never before recorded. These extreme events set new flow records at six gage stations on five rivers & demonstrated clearly the severe flood hazards faced by King County.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$20.00 $1.78   $21.78
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$20.00 $1.78 $4.10 $25.88

Green-Duwamish and Puget Sound )Water Resource Inventory Area 9) Habitat Limiting Factors And Reconnaissance Assessment Report
Dennis Clark/Doug Osterman

The WRIA 9 Habitat Limiting Factors and Reconnaissance Assessment Report covers both the Green/Duwamish River Watershed and the Central Puget Sound Watershed (including Vashon/Maury Islands). It gathers in one place existing information as of 2000 on the past, present, and likely future conditions of salmon and salmon habitat. It includes detailed fish distribution maps. It describes factors of salmon decline such as hydrology, sediment transport, hydromodification (changes to the river channel), riparian (streamside) condition, fish passage, and non-native species.

This is a large, two-volume report. A free CD-ROM of the report may be requested from the Washington Conservation Commission at (360) 407-6200. Pdf versions can be downloaded via the Internet from: Hard copies are available through the Seattle Public Library and King County Library systems. Hard copies for purchase are available from the South Center Kinko's in Tukwila at (206) 244-8884. The cost for the entire report is $177; call in advance.

The WRIA 9 website is at:

Green River Channel Migration Study
Steve Bleifuhs

In order to regulate development in hazardous zones along rapidly migrating rivers, the KCFHRP recommended conducting channel migration studies and hazard mapping along these rivers. This report includes determination of historic limits and rates of channel migration, estimation of probable future limits of channel migration, and development of maps that show channel migration hazard zones along the Green River.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$19.00 $1.69   $20.69
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$19.00 $1.69 $4.10 $24.79

Guidlines For Bank Stabilization Projects
Jeanne Stypula

This document has been developed to assist scientists and engineers with the planning and design of bank stabilization projects. It presents information on bank erosion and stabilization techniques for large river systems. This is a practical guide for assessing erosion problems and evaluating alternative solutions.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$10.65 $.95   $11.60
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.65 $.95 $3.00 $14.60

Guidelines Conditions Report
Cost Tax Pick-up Total

$10.17 $.91   $11.08
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.17 $.91 $2.56 $13.64

Hydroligical Monitoring Report Volume One ONE (Data For Water Years 1988-1994)
David Funke

This report documents rainfall and streamflow data to support hydrologic modeling in the Basin Planning Unit of King County Surface Water Managment. It also includes the collection of water quality samples and the storage of water quality data for SWM and acquires other data sets from other sources for SWM use.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$25.00 $2.23   $27.23
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$25.00 $2.23 $2.90 $30.13

Hylebos Creek & Lower Puget sound Executive Proposed Basin Plan (Adopted 1994)
Gino Lucchetti

The Plan assesses the condition of aquatic systems in these basins today & predicts future changes based on development patterns. It recommends a variety of management tools that, when fully implemented, will result in long-term stability and protection of significant beneficial uses in the aquatic systems. The two basins cover 35 miles of streams, 11 named lakes, and numerous wetlands.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$9.81 $.87   $10.68
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$9.81 $.87 $4.10 $14.78

Hylebos Creek Report

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$10.17 $.91   $11.08
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.17 $.91 $2.56 $13.64

Issaquah Creek Current & Future Conditions Report
Clint Loper

The report assesses current & future problems in the planning area's streams, wetlands, and, to a lesser extent, lakes. The report also predicts how surface water conditions may change in the planning area as changes in land use occur, particularly if those changes are allowed to take place in the absence of corrective actions.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$23.02 $2.05   $25.07
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$23.02 $2.05 $4.10 $29.17

Issaquah Creek Basin & Nonpoint Action Plan & APPENDIX (Adopted 1995)
Clint Loper

There are two overall goals for the Issaquah Creek Basin & Nonpoint Action Plan: (1) protect the public health & safety from hazardous conditions related to surface water in the basin, and (2) protect the quality of the exceptional natural resources of Issaquah Creek and its tributaries. The appendix includes hydrologic data and public comments.

Basin Plan Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$20.30 $1.81   $22.11
Basin Plan Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$20.30 $1.81 $4.10 $26.21
Appendix Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$13.82 $1.23   $15.05
Appendix Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$13.82 $1.23 $2.90 $17.95

KCRTS Software
Steve Foley

KCRTS is King County’s hydrologic design software. This program is used for the design of stormwater facilities as required under the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The software is contained on a CD and also comes with a hard copy of the Computer Software Reference Manual.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$50.00 $4.45   $54.45
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$50.00 $4.45 $10.00 $64.45

King County Lake volunteer Monitoring Report
Sally Abella

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$11.00 .98   $11.98
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$11.00 $.98 $2.95 $14.93

King County Lake Water Quality: A Trend Report On King County Small Lakes
Sally Abella

This document reports the results of a statistical trend analysis on 23 of the 51 lakes that have databases of samples collected by volunteers for the Lake Stewardship Program. Data collected from lakes that did not meet the criteria for trend analysis are also reported and discussed. Both sets of data are analyzed with reference to future stewardship activities and a discussion of general suggestions for further action is also included. Publication date: November 2001

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$9.00 $.80   $9.80
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$9.00 $.80 $3.00 $12.80

Kink County Runoff Time Serices (KCRTS) Update Packet
Kelly Whiting

KCRTS Computer Software Reference Manual (workbooks) purchased prior to 1999 can be updated, rather than purchasing a new workbook. The update packet includes replacement workbook pages and CD-ROM. Note: If the workbook contains a blue CD-ROM, and/or the title page is dated 1999 then the workbook contains the latest updates.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$25.00 $2.23   $27.23
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$25.00 $2.23 $3.00 $30.23

King County Stormwater Managment Program 1996-2000
Luanne Coachman

This document was created in partial fulfillment of our National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Stormwater General Permit. It describes King County's stormwater management program, including watershed management, CIP, operation and maintenance, regulations, public involvement and education, and monitoring and evaluation.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$53.25 $4.74   $57.99
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$53.25 $4.74 $2.76 $60.75

Lake Desire Mgmt. Plan, April, 1995 + Background and Technical Reports, Dec, 1994
Sally Abella

This document describes the Phase I Centennial Clean Water Fund management plan that was developed for Lake Desire. The plan describes the study area, project methods, existing water quality of the lake, modeling analysis, and lake and watershed management recommendations needed to improve lake water quality. The Technical Reports contains twelve background materials which were used in the development of the project plan.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$10.00 $.89   $10.89
Plan Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.00 $.89 $2.90 $13.79
Background/Tech Cost Tax Pick-up Total  
$17.01 $1.51   $18.52
Background/Tech Cost Shipping Shipping  
$17.01 $1.51 $2.90 $21.42

Lake Sammamish Water Quality Management Plan
Jonathan Frodge

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$10.43 $.92   $11.35
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.430 $.92 $3.00 $14.35

Lake Sawyer Managment Plan
Sally Abella

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$10.43 $.92   $11.35
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.43 $.92 $3.00 $14.35

Lake Sawyer Mangement Plan - Appendices
Sally Abella

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$29.12 $2.59   $31.71
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$29.12 $2.59 $4.00 $35.71

Lake Twelve Mangement Plan (Final Report)

This May, 1994 report covers a small, shallow lake 1 mi. NE of Black Diamond. The Plan recommends restoration & watershed management measures to improve and prevent further degradation of the lake ecosystem and the beneficial uses it supports.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$9.21 $.82   $10.03
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$9.21 $.82 $2.90 $12.93

Master Drainage Pland And Large Site Development

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$7.37 $.66   $8.03
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$7.37 $.66 $2.90 $10.93

May Creek Basin Action Plan
Clint Loper

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$20.00 $1.78   $21.78
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$20.00 $1.78 $3.42 $25.20

May Creek Current & Future Conditions Report
Clint Loper

This report provides a comprehensive assessment of the current conditions and preducts future trends in the May Creek Basin. Its primary purposes are to identify significant conditions and aissues to be addressed in the May Creek Basin Plan, and to serve as a resource for future agency actions.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$15.02 $1.34   $16.37
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$15.02 $1.34 $4.10 $20.47

McAleer Creek Drainage Improvement Project FEIS
Tim Kelly

To control and manage excess storm flows, the proposed action involves the installation of a high-flow diversion structure on the downstream end of the Bothell Way stream crossing. This will divert high flows into a 42" diameter pipeline. Enlarging the stream channel through private property is also recommended. The total project cost estimate is $1 million.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$5.00 $.45   $5.47
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$5.00 $.45 $.52 $5.97

Miller Creek Basin Reconnaissance Report #4
Andy Levesque

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$9.24 $.82   $10.06
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$9.24 $.82 $2.00 $12.06

Miller Creek Water Quality Mangement Plan
Glen Evans

This plan, which covers 22 sq. miles of SW King County, recommends watershed management actions to improve water quality and protect aquatic resources. The most serious problems in Mill Creek include: A dissolved oxygen depression from river mile 3.3 to 5.6, Stream channel erosion & sediment deposition in Peasley Canyon, and high summer water temperatures. Capital improvements projects are recommended to control sources of pollution, reduce nonpoint pollution loadings, reduce peak flows and flooding, and implement best management practices. A public involvement and education program and monitoring element are also recommended basin-wide.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$15.02 $1.34   $16.36
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$15.02 $1.34 $4.10 $20.46

Modifications To The Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph Method To Improve Detention Pond Performance
Kelly Whiting

This report documents the performances of detention ponds designed according to the methods in the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual using a continuous hydrologic model. Modifications to the design methodology are proposed to improve the performance of the ponds. These modifications include utilizing a 7-day design storm instead of a 24-hour storm currently required and an additional time of concentration parameter which produces runoff estimates that are more representative of the conditions in the Puget Sound area.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$3.70 $.33   $4.03
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$3.70 $.33 $1.00 $5.03

Monitoring Wetlands

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$11.18 $.99   $12.17
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$11.18 $.99 $2.90 $15.07

King County Ordinances

7590 (1986, SWM Program)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$3.70 $.33   $4.03
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$3.70 $.33 $.75 $4.78

8506 (12/91, Growth Management Act)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$1.75 $.16   $1.91
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$1.75 $.16 $.52 $2.43

9163 (1989, SWM Design Manual)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$2.53 $.23   $2.76
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$2.53 $.23 $.52 $3.28

9614 (1990, Sensitive Areas Ordinance)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$4.86 $.43   $5.29
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$4.86 $.43 $2.00 $7.29

10187 (1991, Expanded SWM Program & Service Charge)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$4.25 $.38   $4.63
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$4.25 $.38 $.75 $5.38

10293 (3/92, Covington Master Drainage Plan)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$1.25 $.11   $1.36
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$1.25 $.11 $.52 $1.88

11112 (1993, KC Flood Hazard Reduction Plan)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$1.25 $.11   $1.36
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$1.25 $.11 $.52 $1.88

91-130 (2/91 Draft of Strategic Plan)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$1.02 $.09   $1.11
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$1.02 $.09 $.52 $1.63

King County Code 9.12 (12/92, Water Pollution)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$2.16 $.19   $2.35
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$2.16 $.19 $.52 $2.87

King County Code 9.08 (12/91, SWM Program)

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$2.16 $.19   $2.35
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$2.16 $.19 $.52 $2.87

Patterson Creek Basin Reconnaissance Report

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$4.00 $.36   $4.36
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$4.00 $.36 $.52 $4.88

Redional Needs Assessment (RNA) Atlas
This document is no longer in print, but is available on-line.

Reconnaissance Reports (Individual Reports)
Clint Loper

These reports describe land use, geology, and stream habitat conditions in the 30 stream basins encompassed within the King County Surface Water Management Service Area. The field work was done in 1986-7 and the report was finalized in late 1987.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$1.84 $.16   $2.00
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$1.84 $.16 $.52 $2.52

Reconnaissance Report (Enhanced) For Green River Eastern Trib of Lower Green

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$10.17 $.90   $11.07
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$10.17 $.90 $2.50 $13.57

Sammamish River Corridor Conditions & Enhancement Opportunities
Steve Bleifuhs

This document describes opportunties intended primarily to improve fisheries habitat & create linkages between an existing trail system and the river while preserving current levels of flood protection.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$9.24 $.82   10.06
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$9.24 $.82 $2.90 $12.96

Sediment Transport Along The S. Fork & Main Stem Of The Snoqualmie
Derek Booth

This document analyzes the movement of coarse sediment along the Snoqualmie River, from North Bend, downstream to the confluence with the Skykomish River. The results are based on a combination of field sediment samples, gauged flow records, flood studies of the river, and theoretical sediment transport models. It also analyzes the value of dredging as a flood control strategy.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$2.31 $.21   $2.52
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$2.31 $.21 $1.21 $3.73

Sensitive Areas Map Folio
Department of Development and Environmental Services: 296-6797

Not available at SWM but at the above department.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$25.00 $2.23   $27.23

Soos Creek Basin Plan
Josh Kahan

The plan recommends watershed management measures to protect resources and respond to increasing hazards & property damage in Soos, Jenkins, & Covington Creek Basins from rapid urbanization.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$13.60 $1.21   $14.81
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$13.60 $1.21 $4.10 $18.91

South Fork Snoqualmie River Feasability Report
Tom Bean

This report documents initial feasibility studies done for the Reif Road Hazard Mitigation Grant Project. The project is intended to reduce flood hazards in the North Bend area. For financial reasons, this study was terminated prematurely. The report documents incomplete study results done before termination.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$9.89 $.88   $10.77
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$9.89 $.88 $4.10 $14.87

Spawning Salmon & Trout ID Card
Doug Rice

Cost $.91 each + $.08 tax + $.35 shipping for a total of $1.34

Storm Water Management Program

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$25.00 $2.23   $27.23
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$25.00 $2.23 $4.00 $31.23

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual
Doug Navetski

This manual presents reasonable pollution prevention measures required of businesses and other residents in unincorporated King County. The requirements focus on source control measures which prevent pollution from entering storm drains, streams, lakes, and groundwater. Information is also provided on stormwater treatment options and resources for technical assistance.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$20.00 $1.78   $21.78
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$20.00 $1.78 $4.10 $25.88

Strategic Plan Executive Proposal

The Surface Water Management Strategic Plan proposes a future program which protects vital King County water resources from urbanization, aggressively solves long standing flooding problems, and seeks to meet state mandates for growth management and new Federal water quality laws. The Strategic Plan presents a six year program for 1992 through 1997, with stable service charge rates in two three year increments. It expands the existing service area, the western, urbanized 1/3 of unincorporated King County, with the inclusion of the Middle Cedar River Drainage Basin.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$3.10 $.28   $3.38
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$3.10 $.28 $.52 $3.90

Surface Water Design Manual
Steve Foley

This manual contains the design requirements for stormwater control facilities and BMPs for development projects in unincorporated King County. The current version is the 2005 edition. The 1998 edition is also available.





Pick-up Total














Shipped Total










Surface Water Division Policy Plan

This August 1992 document include SWM Division Policies SWM's approach to Surface Water Management. It has three sections: (1) Background, a brief history, with emphasis on the last 3 years, (2) Policies that govern 9 major program areas, and (3) an Appendix.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$1.50 $.13   $1.63
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$1.50 $.13 $.52 $2.15

Swamp Creek Action Plan
Clint Loper

Free !!! Call 296-8321 for handout.

The Integrated Pond - Enhancing The Design And Value of Stormwater Ponds (1998)
Doug Rice, Betty Hageman, Louise Kulzer

This illustrated booklet provides information on techniques that are effective in better integrating stormwater ponds into neighborhoods. It summarizes the landscape requirements of the King County Surface Water Design Manual, and discusses several general techniques to enhance stormwater pond aesthetics. In addition, several case studies are presented , sharing with the reader techniques and solutions used by resourceful designers and engineers to make stormwater facilities attractive features of neighborhoods.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$3.68 $.33   $4.01
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$3.68 $.33 $2.00 $6.01

Told & Ranging River Channel Migration Study With Maps

The results of this study will be used to formulate regulations for development in the Tolt & Raging Rivers, both tributaries to the Snoqualmie River.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$5.00 $.45   $5.45
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$5.00 $.45 $2.10 $7.55

Tolt River Flood control Project Feasability Report
Tom Bean

This report contains hydrologic and hydraulic studies, geotechnical and geomorphic studies, and survey data, and presents our analyses, conclusions, recommendations and estimated costs for each of three alternatives studied as part of this project, in order to reduce the flood hazard along this reach of the Tolt River. In addition, the feasability report presents our recommended alternative for design.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$9.24 $.82   $10.06
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$9.24 $.82 $2.00 $12.06

Vactor Sediments Evaluation
Final Report, Bench/Field Treatability

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$13.00 $1.16   $14.16
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$13.00 $1.16 $4.00 $18.16

Vactor Waste Disposal Plan

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$13.00 $1.16   $14.16
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$13.00 $1.16 $2.75 $16.91

Water And Land Resources Divison Stategic Plan

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$2.05 $.18   $2.23
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$2.05 $.18 $2.00 $4.23

Wetland Breeding Amphibean Monitoring Program

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$18.42 $1.63   $20.05
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$18.42 $1.63 $3.00 $23.05


Most files are provided using Adobe Acrobat (.pdf format). You will need Acrobat installed to view or download a newsletter. Click here for more information our Acrobat.

Downstream News - Fall 2003; Vol 12, No. 2 Edition
Greg Rabourn, Editor

Lake Steward
Saffa Bardaro, Editor

Public Education Materials


Flood Warning Information for King County River Basins
This brochure outlines the 4-phase flood warning systems for: Cedar River Basin, Green River Basin,
Snoqualmie River Basin and White River Basin. (First 10 copies are free)
$.25 + $.02 = $.27 (s/h = $.55) Shipped = $.82

Lakeside Logic
Provides information on King County's Lake Stewardship Program. (First copy free)
$.75 + $.07 = $.82 (s/h = $.55) Shipped = $1.37

Programs for Educators
Guide for Educators on current King County materials, funding sources and organizations. School Year 2001-2002 Edition now available!
Click on link to download free copy
For alternate formats of this guide call (206) 296-4466.

Puget Sound Shoreline Stewardship Guidebook - King County Edition
Information about the shoreline environment and advice for waterfront residents
Click on link to download free copy
For alternate formats of this guide call (206) 296-8362.

Children's Items

Videos, CD's and Cassetts

Everything Connected
Pollution / Cedar River Basin

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$5.00 $.45   $5.45
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$5.00 $.45 $2.99 $8.44

Lakeside Living Video

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$5.00 $.45   $5.45
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$5.00 $.45 $2.99 $8.44

Lalmon On The Brink

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$5.00 $.45   $5.45
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$5.00 $.45 $2.99 $8.44

Shoreline Armouring Workshop Video

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$6.95 $.62   $7.57
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$6.95 $.62 $3.20 $10.77

True Color

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$5.00 $.45   $5.45
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$5.00 $.45 $2.99 $8.44

Water and Land Resources Division - Services Directory
January 2002

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$5.75 $.51   $6.26
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$5.75 $.51 $2.99 $9.25

Waterdheds: H2OPE For The Future
H2Ope for the Future tells the stories of King County's watersheds-the interconnectedness we share with all living things in a watershed-and why it is important to protect our fragile water resources.

Cost Tax   Pick-up Total
$5.00 $.45   $5.45
Cost Tax Shipping Shipped Total
$5.00 $.45 $3.50 $8.95

If the document or information that you are seeking is not listed here, please
contact 206-296-6519, Toll-free 800-325-6165 or TTY 800-833-6388.

Alternate text formats will provided to people with disabilities upon request.

Document Order Form to place an order.