[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 48, Volume 1]
[Revised as of October 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 48CFR16.203-4]

[Page 297-298]
PART 16--TYPES OF CONTRACTS--Table of Contents
                   Subpart 16.2--Fixed-Price Contracts
Sec. 16.203-4  Contract clauses.

    (a) Adjustment based on established prices--standard supplies. (1) 
The contracting officer shall, when contracting by negotiation, insert 
the clause at 52.216-2, Economic Price Adjustment--Standard Supplies, or 
an agency-prescribed clause as authorized in subparagraph (2) below, in 
solicitations and contracts when all of the following conditions apply:
    (i) A fixed-price contract is contemplated.
    (ii) The requirement is for standard supplies that have an 
established catalog or market price.
    (iii) The contracting officer has made the determination specified 
in 16.203-3.
    (2) If all the conditions in subparagraph (a)(1) above apply and the 
contracting officer determines that the use of the clause at 52.216-2 is 
inappropriate, the contracting officer may use an agency-prescribed 
clause instead of the clause at 52.216-2.
    (3) If the negotiated unit price reflects a net price after applying 
a trade discount from a catalog or list price, the contracting officer 
shall document in the contract file both the catalog or list price and 
the discount. (This does not apply to prompt payment or cash discounts.)
    (b) Adjustment based on established prices--semistandard supplies. 
(1) The contracting officer shall, when contracting by negotiation, 
insert the clause at 52.216-3, Economic Price Adjustment--Semistandard 
Supplies, or an agency-prescribed clause as authorized in subparagraph 
(2) below, in solicitations and contracts when all of the following 
conditions apply:
    (i) A fixed price contract is contemplated.
    (ii) The requirement is for semistandard supplies for which the 
prices can be reasonably related to the prices of nearly equivalent 
standard supplies that have an established catalog or market price.
    (iii) The contracting officer has made the determination specified 
in 16.203-3.
    (2) If all conditions in subparagraph (b)(1) above apply and the 
contracting officer determines that the use of the clause at 52.216-3 is 
inappropriate, the contracting officer may use an agency-prescribed 
clause instead of the clause at 52.216-3.
    (3) If the negotiated unit price reflects a net price after applying 
a trade discount from a catalog or list price, the contracting officer 
shall document in the contract file both the catalog or list price and 
the discount. (This does not apply to prompt payment or cash discounts.)
    (4) Before entering into the contract, the contracting officer and 
contractor must agree in writing on the identity of the standard 
supplies and the corresponding contract line items to which the clause 
    (5) If the supplies are standard, except for preservation, 
packaging, and packing requirements, the clause prescribed in 16.203-
4(a), shall be used rather than this clause.
    (c) Adjustments based on actual cost of labor or material. (1) The 
contracting officer shall, when contracting by negotiation, insert a 
clause that is substantially the same as the clause at 52.216-4, 
Economic Price Adjustment--Labor and Material, or an agency-prescribed 
clause as authorized in subparagraph (2) below, in solicitation and 
contracts when all of the following conditions apply:
    (i) A fixed-price contract is contemplated.
    (ii) There is no major element of design engineering or development 
work involved.
    (iii) One or more identifiable labor or material cost factors are 
subject to change.
    (iv) The contracting officer has made the determination specified in 

[[Page 298]]

    (2) If all conditions in subparagraph (c)(1) above apply and the 
contracting officer determines that the use of the clause at 52.216-4 is 
inappropriate, the contracting officer may use an agency-prescribed 
clause instead of the clause at 52.216-4.
    (3) The contracting officer shall describe in detail in the contract 
    (i) The types of labor and materials subject to adjustment under the 
    (ii) The labor rates, including fringe benefits (if any) and unit 
prices of materials that may be increased or decreased; and
    (iii) The quantities of the specified labor and materials allocable 
to each unit to be delivered under the contract.
    (4) In negotiating adjustments under the clause, the contracting 
officer shall--
    (i) Consider work in process and materials on hand at the time of 
changes in labor rates, including fringe benefits (if any) or material 
    (ii) Not include in adjustments any indirect cost (except fringe 
benefits as defined in 31.205-6(m)) or profit; and
    (iii) Consider only those fringe benefits specified in the contract 
    (d) Adjustments based on cost indexes of labor or material. The 
contracting officer should consider using an economic price adjustment 
clause based on cost indexes of labor or material under the 
circumstances and subject to approval as described in subparagraphs (1) 
and (2) below.
    (1) A clause providing adjustment based on cost indexes of labor or 
materials may be appropriate when--
    (i) The contract involves an extended period of performance with 
significant costs to be incurred beyond 1 year after performance begins;
    (ii) The contract amount subject to adjustment is substantial; and
    (iii) The economic variables for labor and materials are too 
unstable to permit a reasonable division of risk between the Government 
and the contractor, without this type of clause.
    (2) Any clause using this method shall be prepared and approved 
under agency procedures. Because of the variations in circumstances and 
clause wording that may arise, no standard clause is prescribed.

[48 FR 42219, Sept. 19, 1983, as amended at 52 FR 19803, May 27, 1987; 
60 FR 48217, Sept. 18, 1995; 62 FR 259, Jan. 2, 1997]