_Ui E001624 _Template Report _Project Regional Medical Programs _Contribut National Archives _Scandate / / _Quality _Indexdate 10/27/92 _Doctype _Docdate 12/20/1973 _Pages _Recipient _Reciporg _Recippos _Title Highlights of November 26-27 National Advisory Council meeting _Author _Authorpos _Authororg _Mesh Regional Medical Programs/og *Health Planning Support *Organizational Policy Kidney Transplantation/lj Financing, Government Hemodialysis _Rmp November 1970 - November 1974 National Advisory Council/*og *Meeting Report Phase-Out Management Grant Management Grant Review _Docplace NA 6/8 _Annotation EJA entered UI, template, document location, document date, title, indexing date, RMP and MeSH subject headings. All other information to be completed at a later date.