For questions about the Water and Land Resources' Web site, please contact Fred Bentler, webmaster.

Water and Land Resources Division (WLR), King County, Washington

Resource Library
Water and Land Resources Division

Environmental Data:

Lake Monitoring Data
Look up water quality monitoring on Lakes Washington, Union, and Sammamish.

Swimming Beach Bacteria levels and Water Temperature
Look up observed counts of e. coli and fecal coliform bacteria, and water temperature from sampling stations at beaches across King County.

Streams Monitoring Program
Keeping watch for pollution in greater Lake Washington streams.

Hydrologic Information
Look up data and graphs of hydrologic data for rivers and creeks across King County, and download records.

Flood Conditions and Flood Preparedness
Look up current river conditions and learn how to prepare for flooding.

Marine Monitoring
Get water and sediment quality data for Puget Sound within King County's borders.

Groundwater Information
Find maps and data measuring groundwater levels and quality across the region.

Salmon Watcher Program
Find data on fish distribution in King County based on volunteer sightings.

Snoqualmie Watershed Riparian Photo Viewer
Use a map to to get photographs of individual stream reaches on the Snoqualmie River and its various tributaries.


Water and Land Resources Document Ordering
A price list for reports and documents that can be ordered from WLR.

King County Dept of Natural Resources and Parks Online Documents

Natural Resources Reference Maps

Downstream News
News, announcements, and helpful tips related to water conservation, water quality, and aquatic habitat conservation in King County.

Natural Area Management Guidelines

King County Political Physiography MapResource-related Reference Maps, Geographic Data, and Aerial Photos

Videos and Animations:

Funny Groundwater Animation for Kids and Adults The Groundwater Story Animation- see groundhogs sing and dance as they teach about groundwater!

Road to Recovery - Salmon Restoration
Overview of salmon recovery successes in the area covered by the tri-county partnership including King County, Snohomish County and Pierce County.

Watersheds: H2Ope for the Future
Local film tells the stories of King County's watersheds-the interconnectedness we share with all living things in a watershed-and why it is important to protect our fragile water resources. The film is ideal for the classroom and anyone interested in understanding the function and value of our local watersheds.

The Adventures of Little Drip
A 15-minute video animation that teaches kids about the hydrologic cycle, groundwater words, how groundwater can be contaminated, and what young people can do to conserve and protect our groundwater supply. The video may be purchased or borrowed.

Groundwater: The Flow from Below
A 20-minute video appropriate for audiences from third grade to adult that describes where groundwater comes from, how it can be contaminated, and how we can protect it. Humorous and upbeat-- two thumbs up!


The Grant Exchange
Browse a comprehensive list of environmental and educational grants offered by King County Water and Land Resources Division.

Other resources:

Western Washington Native Plant Guide New
Northwest native plant pictures, descriptions, examples of planting plans and tools for making a plant list for buying native plants at your nursery.

Join our Mailing List
Get notices and fliers announcing new programs and opportunities, or informing King County citizens about upcoming public meetings or construction projects in your area.

Environmental Volunteer Opportunities
A current calendar of volunteer events offered by the Department of Natural Resources. Events include planting native plants along streambanks and wetlands, salvaging native plants from construction sites, workshops on natural-resource related topics, and more.

Employment Opportunities
Job opportunities at King County, including WLR, are listed on the Office of Human Resource Management (OHRM) page.