_Ui E000141 _Template Meeting _Project Regional Medical Programs _Contribut n/a _Scandate / / _Quality Very Good* _Indexdate 08/04/92 _Doctype reports _Docdate [01/1967] _Pages 8 _Title The issue: Continuing education and Regional Medical Programs...provided as background to the Monday, January 16, 1967 afternoon general and discussion sessions _Mesh *Education, Continuing Health Personnel/ed Health Services Needs and Demand Regional Medical Programs/*og Congresses *Delivery of Health Care Quality of Health Care Program Evaluation _Rmp October 1965 - September 1968 *P.L. 89-239 (Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke Amendments of 1965; Title IX of the Public Health Service Act) _Meeting Conference on Regional Medical Programs, January 15-17, 1967 _Meetplace Washington, DC _Speaker _Speakerpos Staff _Speakerorg United States. Division of Regional Medical Programs. Continuing Education Branch _Docplace HMD 1 _Sponsor United States. Division of Regional Medical Programs _Annotation