Pet Information Line
TTY Relay: 711


2008 Operational Master Plan

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2008 Operational Master Plan (410KB)
Appendix A: Motion 12521 (198KB)
Appendix B: Motion 12600 (181KB)
Appendix C: ACCAC Member list (11KB)
Appendix D: Washington state shelter staffing levels (18KB)
Appendix E: Animal people kill rates report (25KB)
Appendix F: Model no-kill program elements (18KB)
Appendix G: Market analysis and comparison of KCACC to model agencies (59KB)
Appendix H: Euthanasia and no kill analysis (56KB)
Appendix I: Feral cats (51KB)
Appendix J: Facilities master plan (to be submitted under separate cover by Facilities Management Division)
Appendix K1: Operational timeline matrix (60KB)
Appendix K2: ACCCAC recommendations matrix (59KB)
Appendix L: Performance measures (8KB)