USDA mantilasal Service

Manti-La Sal National Forest


Manti-La Sal National Forest
599 W. Price River Dr.
Price, UT 84501

(435) 637-2817

United States Department of Agriculture mantilasal Service.


[Photograph]: A mantilasal Service employee is helping a vacationer.The Forest Service offers positions for both permanent and temporary employees. Permanent positions are for full-time employees and provide a flexible range of Federal government benefits. Temporary positions are for part-time or seasonal employees and provide benefits that vary with the position and location. Due to the seasonal nature of many of the responsibilities of the Forest Service, such as wildfire fighting and seasonal recreation programs, many temporary workers are required.



The best resource for finding Forest Service jobs is through the

USDA Forest Service Jobs

web site.


Start applying in January for summer fire fighting positions. Most jobs are filled by April. If interested, contact your local National Forest Fire Organization or apply online: CLICK HERE



Why Work for the Forest Service?

The Forest Service also has many opportunities for part-time and temporary employment for high school and college students, including internships and cooperative student opportunities. Forest Service employment is an open door to the great outdoors. It's also a fulfilling way to earn money, gain work experience, do something good for the environment and maybe lay the foundation for a great Federal government career after graduation.

Listed below are a few of the reasons our employees enjoy working at Forest Service:

  • To work in large metropolitan areas or remote locations across the US
  • To live and work in natural surroundings
  • To work for America's natural heritage
  • To work for a proud, diverse organization
  • The work is demanding
  • The work is fulfilling
  • Work is meaningful, rewarding and challenging
  • There are opportunities to become a leader
  • The Forest Service is like a family
  • Health and life insurance coverage is excellent
  • There are opportunities for developmental assignments

Ask your college career counselor or contact a local Forest Service unit directly to ask about student employment programs.


Forest Service employees enjoy a flexible range of benefits in working for the federal government. Benefits are available to permanent employees and some temporary or term employees. Forest Service benefits are designed to mesh with the lives of our diverse national workforce in a flexible system that allows you to match benefit choices to needs.

One of the more attractive key benefits of federal employment is Federal Health Insurance. With the high cost of healthcare today, this is among the most valued benefits of federal employment. Key features of the federal health insurance available to all permanent (and some temporary/term) appointments include:

  • No medical examination that disqualifies you because of a 'pre-existing' condition
  • No waiting periods
  • Choice of a number of available policies
  • Choice of a variety of types of plans (Fee-for-Service, PPOs, HMOs, etc.)
  • The government pays up to 75% of the total cost on employee premiums
  • Employee premiums can be easily done through automatic payroll deduction
  • Change plans or options during annual
  • Open Season without restrictions




Volunteers are the heartbeat of the Forest Service. The types of work a volunteer can perform are many and varied. The only tasks a volunteer cannot carry out are those associated with law enforcement. Individual talents and skills are matched with work preferences to obtain a role that is satisfying and best fulfills the mission of the Forest Service.. Volunteers may work on a part-time or full-time basis. They can participate in a one-time project or serve over several months, seasons, or year-round. The commitment a volunteer makes is up to them. Training may be provided the job requires it.

If you are retired or have summers free, you may wish to become a volunteer. You can even choose to live on the National Forest while preforming your volunteer service! Colleges often provide credit for course related volunteer service. A variety of jobs are available whether you prefer an office environment or vigorous physical labor outdoors.



USDA Forest Service - Manti-La Sal National Forest
Last Modified: Monday, 15 August 2005 at 12:03:33 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. mantilasal Service logo which links to the agency's national site.