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Welcome to the Youth Zone

Now it's time to get into the Youth Zone!

How has diabetes inspired you?


Inside you'll find all kinds of great stuff to help you manage your diabetes. You'll also find fun games, tips, and links.

What is Diabetes?
Learn about type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Care
This section will give you information about how to care for your diabetes.

Living with Diabetes
Find out how you can deal with the challenges of every day life.

How has Diabetes Inspired You?
Inspired by Diabetes is a global campaign asking people with diabetes, as well as their family, friends and healthcare professionals, to express how diabetes has impacted their lives — and share those stories with others around the world.

Healthy Eating
Learn how to eat healthy without giving up your favorite foods.

Find out why exercise is important for people with diabetes.

Diabetes & the Law
This section tells you about your rights and what you can do to protect them.

Fun & Games
Five fun new games have been added to our existing gallery of games. Check them out!

Meet Tesch West - National Youth Advocate

School Walk for Diabetes

Get involved in your local community.