AGENDA Thirty-third Meeting of the BOARD OF REGENTS National Library of Medicine 9:00 a.m., June 19-20, 1969 Board Room J. CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Dr. Stewart Wolf II. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF LAST MEETING TAB I (orange book) III. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS 1969-70 Calendars in all books TAB II Next Meeting - November 20-21, 1969 Subsequent Me March 19-20 (Thursday-Friday) March 23-24 (Monday-Tuesday) March 26-27 (Thursday-Friday)--This date was selected at the March, 1969 meeting; however, it falls on Good Friday Selection of Meeting Date - June 1970 Date circl-ed is one preferred 15-16, 8-19 22-23 (AMA meets 6/21-25) M-T. h._F. M-T IV. REMARKS BY THE DIRECTOR, NIT4. Dr. Robert Marston V. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR TAB III Dr. Martin Cummings VI. REPORT OF THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TAB IV Mr. Bruno Augenstein SUBCOMMITTEE REVIEW OF MEDLARS II Mr. Alfred Zipf VII. SELECTED LITERATURE SEARCHES TAB V Dr. G. Burroughs Mider Photograph of Board of Regents on Front Steps of National Library of Medicine 'LUNCH EXTRAMURAL PROGRAMS 7III. REPORT OF THE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR TAB VI Mr. David Kefauver IX. EXAMINATION OF THE SPECIAL TAB VII Dr. Jeanne Brand FOREIGN CURRENCY ACTIVITIES 9 Initially, the Library's P.L. 480 pro-.ram vyas devoted to the translation of Russian and Eastern European biomedical literature, primarily carried out through overseas contractors of the National Science Foundation. Subsequently, a variety of abstracting and digesting programs were added. Today, the Library's P.L. 480 programs, carried out in Poland, Yugoslavia and Israel, with other projects pending in Israel and India relates broadly to all the Library's activities, and represents a major component of the Library's over-all activities in support of international communication. It includes cover-to-cover journal translation and publication, translation of monographs, abstracting projects, preparation of scientific handbooks and directories, critical reviews, histories of medicine, publication of conference proceedings, one audiovisual demonstration project and an indexing program for NEDIARS. The Board discussed evaluation procedures in the program and noted, in parti- cular, the potential of the critical review program as a uniquely valuable medium of drawing upon expert foreign scientists in collaborative advancement of international communication. REPORT OF THE ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR The Associate Director for Extramural Programs addressed his comments to the Board of Regents on the following subjects: Library Support by the Regional Medical Programs uMr. Kefauver compared objectives of the Regional Medical Programs (RMP) and NLM as they relate to support of library services and their implementation. He advised the Board regarding program coordination, the exchange of informa- tion, participation in review functions, and technical advice and consulta- tion on a national basis between the NIM Regional Medical Library Program (RI92) and the RMP Information Activities. He also reported on REP and planning with regard to coordination of,library services, exchange of informa- tion and joint support of selected projects on a regional basis, e.g., in the Mid-Atlantic Region and the New England Region. Mr. Kefauver further reported that the audiovisual support by the RMP in 38 2.o@a h@@ex@eqop4_@21 million and that of this amount, approximately $4 million, or 197., was earmarked for equipment. Efforts at cooperation @d-t,ween NIM n@d - -are bntiriuing. "Year in Neutral" - Extramural Program Accomplishment and Budget Review Mr, Kefauver reviewed the development of the Extramural Programs following passage of the Medical Library Assistance Act in October 1965, to show how the@support authorized by this legislation will have been allocated during FY 1966-1970. The beneficial effects of these programs on the nation's medical libraries and their services were described. The Medical Library Assistance Act authorized seven programs to remedy the three principle areas of need which have been defined: (1) facilities and resources, (2) manpower, and (3) tools and technology. In reviewing the BO,-ki-'D OF PFGE-,NTS of the LTB@-.RY OF MEDICINE 36@IH MEETING 14INUTES OF THE 9, 1970 Bethesda, Maryland June 18-'.@L PRI-ISE@T'. Dr. William C. Anlyan, Mr. Bruno W. Augenstein, Dr. William 0. Baker, Dr. Harve J. Car'Lson, Dr. Rob@---t H. Ebert, Dr. Jacl, M. Layton, Dr. L. Qiiincv Mum'Lcrd, @r. J. Musser, Dr. Kathryn M. Smith, Dr. George 1,4' . Teu@-cher, L". O,eneral Alonzo A. Towner, USAF, Mr. Alfred Zipf ABSENT: Vice Admiral George M. Davis, USN, Lt. General Hal B. Jennings, USA, Dr. Max Michael, jr., Dr. Tlesse L. Steinfeld, Dr. Frederick H. Wagman. RM,TE@: Mr. Henry Dubester represented Dr. Harve Carlson, one day. Colonel Gerr-'@t L. HekhL:-I.S, M.'@'., USAF, represented Lt. General Alonzo A. Towner, one day. Dr. Paul Q. Peterscn represented Dr. Jesse L. Steinfeld one day. Captain C. L. Tda,@te,. M.C., USN, represented Vice Admiral George M. Davis, USN, both days. TS: Dr. Robert Q. Yarston, Director, NIH Dr. H. Fernandez-Moran, Professor of Biophysics, University of Chicago Dr. Harold Schoolman, Director, Education Service, Veterans Administration Mr. John Sherrod, Di-rector, National Agricultural Library Dr. Fred Cole, President, Council on Library Resources, Inc. Mr. William C. Ketterer, Office of the Secretary, General Counsels Office, DHEW Mr. Robert C. Diefenbach, Assistant Director of Audio Visual Services, Office of Public Information, DHEW Mr. Donald Chill, Office of Program Planning and Evaluation, NIH Mrs. Ileen Stewart, Executive Secretary, History of Life Sciences Study Section and Biomedical Communications Study Section, DRG, NIH Miss Cecelia Conrath, Chief, Continuing Education and Training Branch, Regional Medical Programs, HSMHA Mr. Duke McCloud,,DHEW Management Intern Dr. Martin Cummings, Dr. Clifford Bachrach, Mr. Jerome Barnett, Dr. John Blake, Mrs. Ruth Bortz, Dr. Jeanne Brand, Mr. Arthur Broering, Mr. Raymond Brown, Mr. William Caldwell, Mr. Kenneth Carney, Mr. Peter Clepper, Mr. Lawrence Coffin, Miss Mary Corning, Dr. Ruth Davis, Mr. Joseph Foley, Miss Willerma Frazier, Mrs. Louise Gamage, Miss Frances Hasemeier, Dr. Wayne Herron, Mrs. Frances Howard, Dr. Ann Kaufman, Dr. Henry M. Kissman, Dr. Leroy Langley, Dr. Joseph Leiter, Dr. G. Burroughs Mider, Mr. Peter Monk, Dr. Jaroslav Nemec, Dr. Peter Olch, Mrs. Rita Pusey, Mr. George Russell, Mrs. Ann Sabin, Mr. Ralph Simmons, Mr. Samuel Waters, Mr. Robert Walkington 9 sjo!Z Or RE c)@IAL MEDICAL LIBRARIES MEDICINE TH S?E% The Regional Medica 970-- referred the Board to a' -Ldrl@u Dr. Langley de'-ailed evaluation prepare y Ikington the Board's request at the March p Status Fenort and Dr. Weyn erron in response to meeting. He hoped it would be the basis for a continuing dialogue at future meetings. He confined his remarks to those items that are particular problems and require the consultation a-,id advice of the Board. These included the questions of who are qualified users of the system; what should be the make-up of the RIS Advisory Cohmittees and what should the Committees role be; should a member of NUI staff be on these Committees; what should be done to coordinate the activities of the RMLs with the RMIls4, what is the appropriate administrative structure for RMLS, centralized or decentralized Further questions include the concern for the con- centration of services in the metropolitan area about each library; the variable egrees in educational and training functions from library to library; the slow progress in the preparation of the union list of serials; and finally the relationship between the Resource Grant Program and the Regional Medical Libraries Program. Discussion by the Board and comments by Dr. Cummings stressed the fact ified users was not one of profit makin- insti- that the problem of qual tutions versus nonprofit making organizations, but rather one of the eligibility of access to the system and of loading and queuing problems. It was felt that the discrepancy in RML use was in significant part due to human nature and no amount of publicity in the outlying areas would greatly increase the user population from these areas. Dr. Cummings believes that evaluations of RMLs at this point should be based only on the quality of service without regard to the ability of establishing training and educational programs. Mr. Samuel Waters presented material on the Regional Medical Library k and Northern New Jersey as it was felt that the real for New Yor problems this RML presented would provide a better framework on which to consider the questions raised by Dr. Langley. This RML is a problem due to "internal politics" in NLM's view and not enough money in the RML's view. Mr. Waters presented a historical review of the negotiations and final selection of the New York Academy of Medicine as the RML for this region. It can best be summed up as a recurring disagreement on the amount of funding by NLM, internal operational and administrative problems at .the New York Academy, a AGENDA Forty-First Meeting Of The BOARD OF REGENTS National Library of Medicine 9:00 a,m., March 27-28, 1972 National Medical Audiovisual Center 1600 Clifton Road, N.E. Sound Staoe (SSB) a Atlanta, Georgia I. CALL TO ORDER AqD INTRODUCTORY REliARKS Dr. William Anlyan II. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF LAST MEETING TAB I Dr. William Anlyan (Oran-e Book) DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS TAB II Dr. William Anlyan 1972 and 1973 Calendars in all books Next Meeting - June 26-27, 1972 Subsequ -t Ilp-et:in November 20-21, l@972 Selection of Meeting Date March 1973 19-20 22-23 26-27 M-T T-F M-T IV. REMARKS BY DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR DISEASE Dr. David Sencer CONTROL V. REMARKS BY DEPUTY DIRECTOR, NATIONAL Dr. John Sherman INSTITUTES OF HEALTH VI. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR, NLM TAB III Dr. Martin Cumming@ COFFEE BREAK VII. REPORT ON TOXICOLOGY IQFOPIIATION TAB III Dr. Henry Kissman PROGRAM Formal Photograph of the @tembers of the Board of Reaents in Meetinc Room Alternates to Board members present were: Dr. Faye Aodellah represent ed Dr. Jesse L. Steinfeld, USPHS Brig. General Gerrit Hekhuis represented Lt. General Alonzo A. Towner, MC, USAF Dr. James Pittman represented Dr. Marc J. Musser, The Veterans Administration CaDtain Edward Rupnik represented Vice Admiral George M. Davis, ,MC, USN Board members absent were: Dr. L. Quincy Mumford National Library of Medicine staff members attendin- this meetina included: Dr. Myron Adams, Medical Advisor, NMAC Dr. Charles Bridgman, Director, NMAC Mr. Arthur Broering, Chief, Resources Division, alP Mr. Frederick Buschmeyer, Deputy Director, NMAC Dr. Martin Cummings, Director, NLM Dr. Roger Dahlen, Chief, Research, Training and Publications Division, E24P Mr. Albert Feiner, Director, LHNCBC Mr. Charles Farmer, Chief, Audiovisual Systems and Applications Branch, NMAC Mr. Charles Flint, Chief, Media Resources Branch, NMAC Dr. Henry Kissman, Associate Director, SIS Dr. Lee Langley, Associate Director, EINT Dr. G. Burroughs Mider, Deputy Director, NLM Mrs. Patricia Ruben, Administrative Assistant, OAM Mrs. Ann Sabin, Acting Coimnittee Management Assistant, NLM Dr. Harold Schoolman, Special Assistant to the Director for Medical Program Development and Evaluation, NLM Mr. Joseph Staton, Chief, Education, Research and Training Branch, NMAC Mr. Kent Smith, Executive Officer, NLM Others present included: PHS and NIH Personnel: Dr. Kenneth M. Endicott, Director, Bureau of Health Manpower Education, NIF Dr. George Mitchell, Chief, Office of Audiovisual Educational Development, BHME, NIH Miss Marjorie Morrill, Division of Professions and Technical Development, Regional Medical Programs, PHS Dr. David Sencer, Director, Center for Disease Control, PHS -2- ted will aid services. The various automated data bases now being crea s. Audiovisual material is also a field where some librarians in thi feel the need for network services. am for which Problems identified in the Regional Medical Library Progr we will be seeking solutions in the next year include: boundaries for existing geographic regions; whether proper libraries have been selected as Regional Medical Libraries; and whether the present organizational structure for interinstitutional collaboration is the proper one. Dr. Kelly M. West of the University of Oklahoma Medical Center reviewed for the Board the report of the Biomedical Library Review Committee's Subcommittee on Regional Medical Libraries, chaired by Dr. David A. Kronick f the University of Texas at San Antonio. In making its study, the sub- 0 committee consulted with NIH officials, the staff of the Regional Medical libraries, a sampling of the libraries within the regions (both those involved in network services and those without a close collaborative association with a Regional Medical Library), and a number of users of library services. In general, the subcommittee found that Regional Medi- cal Libraries were well administered, and that the directors of these libraries approved the change from grant to contract funding. The potential is great to build on the network framework to develop the 'net lender" concept (mentioned by Dr. Schoolman), and also collaborative acquisition programs. The recommendations of the Regional Medical Library Subcommittee included: 1. Broader participation within each region to determine RML policy. 2. Studies to examine the potential of the "net lender" concept. 3. Studies to recommend methods for local financing of regional services. 4. Periodic data collection, analysis, and evaluation for the entire national network. 5. Closer liaison with the Regi-onal Medical Programs. 6. Grant requests should be examined for regional implications. 7. Attention within the distribution network should be given to nonprint media. 8. Specific budget allotments for the services NLM provides as a Regional Med-ical Library. Following Dr. West's presentation, Mr. Arthur J. Broering of the Library's Extramural Programs discussed briefly the Regional Medical Library Grant