If 1 t I @ fl 1 II ifil'illi!l iiiii @ili'6! @ !I!!il ill!'! I!tlli Medical Libraries Recommendation 30. The Commission recommends that the National Library ol Medicine be authorized and adequateli, supported to serve its logical and necessary junction as the primary source ior strengthening the nation's medical library system. Specifical I v, the Commission recommends: A. That 82 million per year for a 5-year period be made available to the National Library of Medicine for intramural research and developmental activities to explore new technologies for more efficient management and dissemination of the world's biomedical I iterature; B. That not less than $30 million per year for 5 years be authorized and appropriated to the National Library of Medicine for a program of grants and contracts to support improved medical librarv services in the United State@ including facilities, resources, training of personnel, secondary publications, and library and communications research; C. That broadly conceived legislation be initiated clearly authorizing the National Library of Medicine to assist medical libraries in the ways recommended herein. Communication of information to scientists and practitioners is critically im- portant to progress in research and application of medical knowledge. Medical libraries are the primarv vehicle for accomplishing this communications process. Yet the nation's medical library svstem is grossly inadequate for the task, due to a serious imbalance of extramural support. For example, in 1964 the u ic Health Service appropriations totaled over $1 billion. But less than 81 million accrued directly or indirectly to the extramural support of medical libraries. The National Library of Medicine is the cornerstone of the national medical library network. Through its development of the world's largest collection of the published medical literature and through its sponsorship and operation o the MEDLARS system, the largest computer-based information storage and retrieval system yet to be devised, the NLM has demonstrated its ability to improve the methodology and efficiency of this medical library network. It is urgent that further steps be taken to enable NLM to improve the efficiency of this network. But to exercise its proper leadership the NLM requires both broadened legis- lative authorities and additional funds for the purposes of strengthening and enlarging its intramural activities, and for the purpose of conducting the type of extramural support program the Commission has in mind. The Commission's recommendations are directed simultaneously to the strengtbenino, of NLM and to the bolstering of the other components of the nation's medical library network. National Medical Audiovisual Center Recommendation 31. The Commission recommends that the Public Health Service Audiovisual Facility be enlarged in scope and strengthened so that it may become a National Medical Audiovisual Cenier. To this end we recommend the following specific steps: A. The appropriation of 81.5 million for necessary renovation and expansion of the existing physical plant. B. Appropriation of $1.5 million for the first year, scaled upward to 84 mil- lion for the fifth year, to develop an intramural program at the Audiovisual 65 Center which would include production. experimental use and evaluation of HEART DISEASE, CANCER AND STROKE -i-k w. PUBLIC HEA 234 235 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT Sec. 473 ec. 467 Jude in the annual report Of the Secretary (b) The Board shall advise and assist the Secretary in the prepa- @he Secretary shall inc ment covering the recommendations made ration of general regulations and with respect to policy matters ngress a state The Secretary may use arising in the administration of this subpart. ,o the Co - osition thereof. ith mat- (e) The Secretary may use the services of any member of the )y the Board and the d@p etion w mi)er of the Board in Conne ddition Board, in connection with matters related to the administration of -,he services of any m for such periods, in a this part for such periods, in addition to conference periods, as the Lers related to the @o, mine. for a Secretary may determine. to conference periods, (c) Each appointed I)t that any member af I a va- (d) Appointed members of the Board who are not otherwise in term of four years, e,e- the the employ of the United States, while attending conferences of the to the expiration of the I for Board or otherwise serving at the request of the Secretary in con- Caney occurring p@or Dointed sh.9 predecessor of such mber was aP. the appoil shall nection with the administration of this subpart, shall be entitled to the remainder of s!L of r of the receive compensation, per them in lieu of subsistence, and travel be eligible for reapi one year expenses in the same manner and under the same conditions as preceding term of sl that prescribed under section 208(c) when attending conferences, LIBRARY FACILITIES traveling, or serving at the request of the Secretary in connection There are authorized to riated with the Board's function under this section. SEC. 467. erection and equipment in- GRANTS FOR TRAINING IN MEDICAL LIBRARY SCIENCES amounts Su of the Libi na- SEC. 472. [286b-3] The Secretary shall make grants- adequate bi: m purc the (1) to individuals to enable them to accept traineeships and istrator o s sitei tion, doni direction of th fellowships leading to postbaccalaureate academic degrees in Secretary wi equip the field of medical library science, in related fields pertaining an, erect thereon, to be appro- to sciences related to health, or in the field of the communica- bu amounts auti of drawings tion of information; SU, cost of prep pr and other adminis- (2) to individuals who are librarians or specialists in informa- constructiOPt .nistrator of Gener- tion on sciences relating to health, to enable them to undergo ar nt to the Work. The Adn" - all nee- intensive training or retraining so as to attain greater compe- trative prepare the plans and specifications, make al Se@ upervise construction. tence in their occupations (including competence in the fields essary 4 and s of automatic data processing and retrieval); Subpart 2-Financial Assistance (3) to assist appropriate public and private nonprofit institu- tions in developing, expanding, and improving training pro- AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS grams in library science and the field of communications of in- se of grants and contracts under formation pertaining to sciences relating to health; and SEC. 469. [286b] For the purpo to be appropriated (4) to assist in the establishment of internship programs in section,, 472 through 476. there are authorized may be necessary established medical libraries meeting standards which the Sec- year 1989 and Su sums as @ section shall retary shall prescribe. $14,00,( Funds appropri, the fiscal year for fis such purposes ul were appropri- ASSISTANCE FOR SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS, AND FOR RESEARCH AND remain the fiscal year I DEVELOPMENT IN MEDICAL LIBRARY SCIENCE AND RELATED FIELDS immec aW. SEC. 473. [286b-4] (a) The Secretary shall make grants to physi- DEFINITIONS cians and other practitioners in the sciences related to health, to As @ in this Subpart- scientists, and to public or nonprofit private institutions on behalf SEC. 470. E286b-l'l lated to the of such physicians, other practitioners, and scientists for the compi- (1) the term rmedical library" means a library re lation of existing, or the writing of original, contributions relating .- nces reiated,,to health; and to healthpi includes medicine, to scientific, social, or cultural advancements in sciences related to scie elated - fundamental and (2) the ter!n -scien@ y health, and health. In making such grants, the Secretary shall make appropri- osteopathy, dentistry, a@ct Public ate arrangements under which the facilities of the Librar and the ied sciences when related thereto. y appl IES AMISTANCE ADVISORY BOARD facilities of libraries of public and private nonprofit institutions of NATIONAL MEDICAL LIBRAR higher learning may be made available in connection with the of the National Li- projects for which such grants are made. nts c 23 (a) The Board of Rege ai Medical Librar- (b) The Secretary shall make grants to appropriate public or pri- brary 'I also serv r in this sub vate nonprofit institutions and enter into contracts with appropri- SE - 471.; I-'I e as the Nation red to n ------- 0 Cl part refer A.4@ Board (hereafte ;e@. 474 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT 236 237 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT Sec. 475 -igations, and demonstrations in the field of medical library science medical library or related instrumentality for any fiscal year ind related activities and for the development of new techniques, exceed $750,000. ;ystems, and equipment, for processing, storing, retrieving, and dis- GRANTS AND CONTRACTS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF REGIONAL MEDICAL ;ributing information pertaining to sciences related to health. LIBRARIES GRANTS FOR ESTABIASHING, EXPANDING, AND IMPROVING THE BASIC SEC. 475. [286b-63 (a) The Secretary, with the advice of the RESOURCES OF MEDICAL LIBRARIES AND RELATED INSTRUMENTALITIES Board, shall make grants to and enter into contracts with existing SEC. 474. [286b-5] (a) The Secretary shall make grants of public or private nonprofit medical libraries so as to enable each of noney, materials, or both, to public or private nonprofit medical li- them to serve as the regional medical library for the geographical )raries and related scientific communication instrumentalities for area in which it is located. ants and contracts under this section ,he purpose of establishing, expanding, and improving their basic (b) The uses for which gr nedical library or related resources. A grant under this subsection may be employed include the- nay be used for- (1) acquisition of books, journals, and other similar materi- (1) the acquisition of books, journals, photographs, motion als; picture and other films, and other similar materials; (2) cataloging, binding, and other procedures for processing (2) cataloging, binding, and other services and procedures for library resource materials for use by those who are served by processing library resource materials for use by.those who are the library; (3) acquisition of duplicating devices and other equipment to served by the library or related instrumentality; (3) the acquisition of duplication devices, facsimile equip- I facilitate the use of the resources of the library by those who ment, film projectors, recording equipment, and other equip- are served by it; ment to facilitate the use of the resources of the library or re- (4) acquisition of mechanisms and employment of personnel lated instrumentality by those who are served by it; and for the speedy transmission of materials from the regional li- (4) the introduction of new technologies in medical librarian- brary to local libraries in the geographic area served by the re- ship. gional library; and (b)(1) The amount of any grant under this section to any medical (5) planning for services and activities under this section. ibrary or related instrumentality shall be determined by the Sec- (cXl) Grants and contracts under this section shall only be made -etary on the basis of the scope of library or related services pro- to or entered into with medical libraries which agree- ,ided by such library or instrumentality in relation to the popula- (A) to modify and increase their library resources, and to ion and purposes served by it. In making a determination of the supplement the resources of cooperating libraries in the region, cope of services served by any i-nedical library or related instru- so as to be able to provide adequate supportive services to all nentality, the Secretary shall take into account- libraries in the region as well as to individual users of library (A) the number of graduate and undergraduate students services; and making use of the resources of such library or instrumentality; (B) to provide free loan services to qualified users and make (B) the number of physicians and other practitioners in the available photoduplicated or facsimile copies of biomedical ma- sciences related to health utilizing the resources of such li- terials which qualified requesters may retain. brary or instrumentality; (2) The Secretary, in awarding grants and contracts under this (C) the type of supportive staffs, if any, available to such li- section, shall give priority to medical libraries having the greatest brary or instrumentality; potential of fulfilling the needs for regional: medical libraries. In (D) the type, size, and qualifications of the faculty of any determining the priority to be assigned to any medical library, the school with which such library or instrumentality is affiliated; Secretary shall consider- (E) the staff of any hospital or hospitals or of any clinic or (A) the adequacy of the library (in terms of collections, per- clinics with which such library or instrumentality is affiliated; sonnel, equipment, and other facilities) as a basis for a regional and medical library; and (F) the geographic area served by such library or iqstrumen- (B) the size and nature of the population to be served in the tality and the availability within such area of medical -library region in which the library is located. or related services provided by other libraries or related instru- (d) Grants and contracts under this section for basic resource ma- mentalities. terials to a librarv mav not exceed- (2) Grants to such medical libraries or related instrumentalities I (1) 50 perc@nt Of the library's annual operating expense (ex- inder this section shall be in such amounts as the Secretary may clusive of Federal financial assistance under this part) for the iy regulation prescribe with a view to assuring adequate continu- preceding year; or ng financial support for such libraries or instrumentalities from (2) in case of the first year in which the library receives a it.hp.r Aniirepg diirinv and after the nprind for which Errants are Dr@ grant under this section for basic resource materials, -50 per- Sec. 476 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT 238 239 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT Sec. 48( three years (or if it had been in operation for less than three ination of knowledge concerning human molecular biology, sem years, its annual operating expenses determined by the Secre- biochemistry, and genetics; tary in accordance with regulations). (2) perform research into advanced methods of computer. FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS based information processing capable of representing and ana. lyzing the vast number of biologically important molecules and SEC. 476. [286b-7] (a) The Secretary, with the advice of the compounds; Board, shall make grants to, and enter into appropriate contracts (3) enable persons engaged in biotechnology research and with, public or private nonprofit institutions of higher education medical care to use systems developed under paragraph (1) and and individual scientists for the purpose of supporting biomedical methods described in paragraph (2); and scientific publications of a nonprofit nature and to procure the (4) coordinate, as much as is practicable, efforts to gathei compilation, writing, editing, and publication of reviews, abstracts biotechnology information on an international basis. indices, handbooks, bibliographies, and related matter pertaining t@ (c) For the purpose of performing the duties specified in subsec. scientific works and scientific developments. tion (b), there are authorized to be appropriated $8,000,000 fox (b) Grants under subsection (a) in support of any single periodical fiscal year 1989 and such sums as may be necessary for fiscal yeai publication may not be made for more than three years, except in 1990. Funds appropriated under this subsection shall remain avail- those cases in which the Secretary determines that further support able until expended. is necessary to carry out the purposes of subsection (a). PART E@HER AGENCIES OF NIH GRANT PAYMENTS, RECORDS, AND AUDIT SEC. 477. [286b-8] (a) Payments under grants made under sec- Subpart 1-Division of Research Resources tions 472, 473, 474, 475, and 476 may be made in advance or by way GENERAL PURPOSE of reimbursement and in such installments as the Secretary shall prescribe by regulation after consultation with the Board. SEC. 479. [287] The general purpose of the Division of Research (bXl) Each recipient of a grant under this subpart shall keep Resources is to strengthen and enhance the research environments such records as the Secretary shall prescribe, including records of entities engaged in health-related research by developing and which fully disclose the amount and disposition by such recipient supporting essential research resources. of the proceeds of such grant, the total cost of the project or under- ADVISORY COUNCIL taking in connection with which such grant is given or used, and the amount of that portion of the cost of the project or undertaking SEC. 480. [287a3 (a)(1) The Secretary shall appoint an advisory supplied by other sources, and such other records as will facilitate council for the Division of Research Resources which shall advise, an effective audit. assist, consult with, and make recommendations to the Secretary (2) The Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United and the Director of the Division on matters related to the activities States, or any of tfieir duly authorized representatives, shall have carried out by and through the Division and the policies respecting access for the purpose of audit and examination to any books, docu- such activities. ments, papers, and records of such recipients that are pertinent to (2) The advisory council for the Division of Research Resources any grant received under this subpart. may recommend to the Secretarv acceptance in accordance with Section 2101, 1 of conditional gifti for study, investigations, and re- Subpart 3-National Center for Biotechnology Information search and for the acquisition of grounds or construction, equip- ping, or maintenance of facilities for the Division. PURPOSE, ESTABLISHMENT, FUNCTIONS, AND FUNDING OF THE (3) The advisory council for the Division- NATIONAL CENTER FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY INFORMATION (AXi) may make recommendations to the Director of the Di- SEC. 478. [286c3 (a) In order to focus and expand the collection, vision respecting research conducted at the Division, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of the results of biotechnology (ii) may review applications for grants and cooperative agree- research by information sy@ms, and to support and enhance the ments for research or training and recommend for approval development of new information technologies to aid in the under- applications for projects which show promise of making valua- standing of the molecular processes that control health and dis- ble contributions to human knowledge, and ease, there is established the National Center for Biotechnologv In- (iii) may review any grant, contract, or cooperative agree- formation (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Ce@r") ment proposed to be made or entered into by the Division; in the National Library of Medicine. (B) may collect, by correspondence or by personal investiga- (b) The Secretary, through the Center and subject to section tion, information as to studies which are being carried on in 465(d), shall- the United States or any other country as to the diseases, (1) tipqian tip-vplnn- imnli-m,-nt. and manage automated svs-