An Online Catalog of
Western Forest Insects and Diseases

Other Critters & Cruds

We're always looking for new links to add to this collection!
Contact our websteward for more information.

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When several links are available, indicates a key link.


Cankers (general + other)

  Cankers -- Forest & Shade Tree Pathology - Jim Worrall (html)

Canker Diseases of Spruce -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Atropellis Canker (Atropellis piniphila and A. pinicola)

Atropellis Canker -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Atropellis Canker -- USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes (PDF)

Hypoxylon Canker (Hypoxylon mammatum)

Cankers on Western Quaking Aspen -- Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet No. 152 (html; includes other cankers, too)

Hypoxylon Canker of Aspen -- Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet No. 6 (html)

Phomopsis Canker of Douglas-fir (Diaporthe lokoyae)

Phomopsis Canker of Douglas-fir -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Phomopsis Canker of Douglas-fir -- USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes (PDF)

Pitch Canker (Fusarium subglutinans)

Pitch Canker -- California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection (website)

Quick links to other pages of our on-line catalog:
  Western Forest Diseases:
[mistletoes] [root diseases] [rots & decays] [foliage diseases] [cankers]
[rusts] [seedling diseases] [general]
Western Forest Insects:
[bark beetles | wood borers] [defoliators] [seed & cone insects]
[shoot, twig, & terminal insects] [sucking insects] [general]

This webpage was last updated on January 11, 2006.

horizontal rule with trees

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