An Online Catalog of
Western Forest Insects and Diseases

Other Critters & Cruds

We're always looking for new links to add to this collection!
Contact our websteward for more information.

Many of the documents included on this list are in PDF format. To view PDF documents, you need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, a FREE program. Once you have downloaded and installed your copy of Acrobat Reader, just click on a PDF file (below) to view it.


Other Rusts (many species)

Fir Needle Rusts -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)
Melampsora Foliage Rusts -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)
Stem Rusts of Pine -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)
Western Pine-Aster Rust -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Comandra Blister Rust (Cronartium comandrae)

Comandra Blister Rust (USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes - PDF)
Comandra Blister Rust of Hard Pines (Forest Insect and Disease Leaflet No. 62 - PDF)
hosts, signs, stand dynamics, management, free growing guidelines -- B.C. Ministry of Forests (html)

Fir Broom Rust (Melampsorella caryophyllacearum)

Fir Broom Rust (USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes - PDF)
Fir Broom Rust -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Incense Cedar Rust (Gymnosporangium libocedri)

Incense Cedar Rust (USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes - PDF)

Spruce Broom Rust (Chrysomyxa arctostaphyli)

Spruce Broom Rust (USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes - PDF)
Spruce Broom Rusts -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Spruce Cone Rust (Chrysomyxa pirolata and C. monesis)

Spruce Cone Rust (USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes - PDF)
Coastal Spruce Cone Rusts -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)
Inland Spruce Cone Rusts -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)

Stalactiform Blister Rust (Cronartium coleosporiodes)

Stalactiform Rust (USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes - PDF)
hosts, signs, stand dynamics, management, free growing guidelines -- B.C. Ministry of Forests (html)

Western Gall Rust (Endocronartium harknessii)

Western Gall Rust (USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes - PDF)
hosts, signs, stand dynamics, management, free growing guidelines -- B.C. Ministry of Forests (html)
Western Gall Rust -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)
Western Gall Rust -- Forest Health Mgmt, Rocky Mountain Region (html)

White Pine Blister Rust (Cronartium ribicola)

White Pine Blister Rust USDA FS, SW Oregon FHP Service Center (html)
White Pine Blister Rust Program USDA FS, Dorena (html)
White Pine Blister Rust (USFS R6 Forest Disease Management Notes - PDF)
hosts, signs, stand dynamics, management, free growing guidelines -- B.C. Ministry of Forests (html)
White Pine Blister Rust -- HForest, Canadian Forest Service (html)
White Pine Blister Rust -- Forest Health Mgmt, Rocky Mountain Region (html)
White Pine Blister Rust -- WA State University Forest Health Note (html)
Geographic Distribution of "Champion Mine" Strain of White Pine Blister Rust (Cronartium ribicola) in the Pacific Northwest -- Sniezko and other (pdf poster)

Quick links to other pages of our on-line catalog:
  Western Forest Diseases:
[mistletoes] [root diseases] [rots & decays] [foliage diseases] [cankers]
[rusts] [seedling diseases] [general]
Western Forest Insects:
[bark beetles | wood borers] [defoliators] [seed & cone insects]
[shoot, twig, & terminal insects] [sucking insects] [general]

This webpage was last updated on July 27, 2005.

horizontal rule with trees

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