NIOSH Mining Laboratory

Industrial Hygiene Laboratory

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Equipment in Industrial Hygiene Lab used to monitor workplace environments
Equipment in Industrial Hygiene Lab used to monitor workplace environments
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The purpose of this laboratory is to sustain industrial hygiene field investigations and projects. When evaluating health hazards in the workplace, the researcher will observe with his or her senses and collect data by obtaining samples of material in the work environment and measure the work conditions. Obtaining samples and taking measurements requires the proper equipment, supplies, and other tools to carry out the exposure assessment. Oftentimes, these items will require periodic maintenance, repairs, and calibration in order to function properly and provide reproducible, dependable, and legally defensible data.

The Industrial Hygiene Laboratory includes a variety of equipment designed to provide data on industrial contaminants or environmental conditions that may be harmful to workers. Specific equipment includes: air pumps, size selective particle samplers, particle analyzers, ventilation monitors, heat stress and heat strain monitors, noise monitors, monitors for a variety of gasses, and calibration standards.

Site:  Spokane Research Laboratory

Page last updated: 9/17/2008
Page last reviewed: 4/30/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division