NIOSH Mining Laboratory

Sensors Laboratory

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Researcher testing wireless network. Inset shows typical wearable sensor
Researcher testing wireless network. Inset shows typical wearable sensor
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The Sensors Laboratory is well equipped to test emerging smart-wearable sensors technology for use in hazardous environments. A wide range of wireless sensors for physiologic, environmental, and personnel tracking applications and the associated ad-hoc/mesh networks can be tested. Research focuses on 1) developing new knowledge for correlating the sensor data to assessed risk, 2) adapting the sensors and networks to the mining environment, and 3) using biometric data such as posture, trunk and knee flexion, joint angles, and moments to identify hazards and quantify risk. Wearable sensor solutions will empower miners to take necessary steps to eliminate/reduce their risk to hazards produced by an ever-changing and unpredictable hazardous work environment in real-time.

Site:  Pittsburgh Research Laboratory

Page last updated: 9/17/2008
Page last reviewed: 5/30/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division