NIOSH Mining Laboratory

Whole Body Vibration Laboratory

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Whole Body Vibration Laboratory
Whole Body Vibration Laboratory
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The Whole Body Vibration Laboratory contains a single axis vibration table that enables researchers to study whole-body vibration. This table is capable of producing vibrations in various waveforms from frequencies below 1 HZ to 15 HZ. The table can produce accelerations in excess of 10G's and has a maximum travel of 6 in. This equipment also has the capability of reproducing vibrations recorded from field tests, once the data has been converted to displacement units. Using this feature, vibrations from computer generated data, either random or specific, can be produced. This capability is useful when simulating vehicle environments. For example, data can be generated to simulate the accelerations of a vehicle's wheel striking a bump or hole. The vibration platform is used in investigations that seek to decrease neck and back injuries and improve machine designs so that equipment operators are isolated from vehicle vibrations and shock loadings. Recent projects evaluate various seat suspension systems and investigate the use of rheonetic technology to improve these systems and increase operator isolation from vibrations. Rheonetic technology has the ability to adjust suspension system damper performance in real time.

Site:  Pittsburgh Research Laboratory

Equipment:  Vibration Table

Page last updated: 9/17/2008
Page last reviewed: 5/30/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division