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During the process of synthesizing human-shaped molecules, Dr. Tour's lab computer crashes. There's a major problem with the internal components. The computer is disassembled for repairs; the motherboard and other parts lay exposed on the lab desk. Several of the molecular structures known as the NanoKidsTM series, vaporize and become airborne condensing onto the motherboard. There, among the huge jungle of circuits and transistors, is the NanoLoft--a nanoscale hangout for the NanoKidsTM and their adventures.

 Dr. Tour1  Dr. Tour1

 "Great! I think we might have synthesized
a new NanoKid"

 "There's the triple carbon bond. . ."
 Dr. Tour1  Dr. Tour1
 "And there's the benzene ring."  "Yes, it's a new NanoKid!"
Dr. Tour1  Name you
"Let's add this to the publication." 

"What to name you? The head configuration looks
like it's wearing a graduation cap with a tassel."

Name you  Name you 

"Ah, NanoStudent
NanoPupil, NanoScholar. . . NanoScholar. . .
That's it! I dub thee NanoScholar!"

"Hi, you made it! There's something wrong 
with the motherboard, and I don't have 
time to deal with it. Thanks!" 

 Name you Name you 

Into the NanoScholar compound. . .

NanoScholar molecules. . .

Escape of NanoScholar

Escape of NanoScholar

YOU escapes. . .

 And lands on the motherboard. . .

Escape of NanoScholar

Escape of NanoScholar
 Through the portal. . . "Oh! I didn't hear you come in!"


Orbit for more info: nanokids@rice.edu | © 2007 Rice University

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