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New or Revised FIDLs

Planned Revisions or New FIDLs

  • # 2 - Mountain Pine Beetle (Bentz, Kegley, Gibson)
  • # 11 - Jeffrey Pine Beetle (Smith, Shea, Borys)
  • # 55 - Red Turpentine Beetle (Borys ?)
  • # 36 - White Pine Blister Rust (Schwandt, Kearns, Ferguson)
  • # 49 - Southern Pine Beetle (Clarke, Nowak)
  • # 52 - Heart Rots of Red & White Firs (Mallams, Angwin,
  • # 60 - Silver Fir Beetle (Carlson, Ragenovich)
  • # 62 - Comandra Blister Rust (Geils, Jacoby)
  • # 73 - Heart Rots of Douglas-fir (Goheen, Ferguson)
  • # 86 - Douglas-fir Tussock Moth (Pederson)
  • # 87 - Fir Broom Rust (Jackson, Guyon)
  • # 90 - Heart Rots of W. Hemlock (Hennon, Trummer, Filip)
  • # 93 - Rust-red Stringy Rot (Filip, Goheen, & Kimmey)
  • # 116 - AZ 5-spined Ips (McMillin, DeGomez)
  • # 123 - Red Rot of Ponderosa Pine (Fairweather, Lockman)
  • # 147 - Mistletoes of Hardwoods (Mallams)
  • # 149 - Decay & Discoloration of Aspen (Burns & others)
  • # 150 - Heart Rots of E. Spruce & SA Fir (Worrall & others)
  • # 157 - Nursery Diseases of Western Conifers (Mallams)
  • # 177 - mystery topic & writer (!) - if you reserved this
                 number for a new FIDL, please contact the
  • # new - Schweinitzii Root & Butt Rot of Western Conifers
                 (Filip & Hagle)


Want to Write or Revise a FIDL?

We welcome offers to revise existing FIDLs or create new ones. View guidelines for authors, or the responsibilities of authors, regional FIDL contacts, and the national FIDL coordinator. View FIDL #119 for an example of the current format, though minor changes are planned. Please contact your regional FIDL contact or the national FIDL coordinator, Kathy Sheehan (503-808-2674, if you are thinking of revising or writing a FIDL.

last updated: October 16, 2008

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Forest Service-USDA
Stop Code 1110
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Washington, D.C. 20250-1110
(703) 605-5344