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FIDL Facts   (aka FIDL Faddle)

  • Number of active FIDLs: 173
       by geographic region:
            * 66 eastern FIDLs (38%)
            * 62 western FIDLs (36%)
            * 45 transcontinental (26%)
       by subject:
            * 99 entomology FIDLs (57%)
            * 69 pathology FIDLs (40%)
            *   5 multiple or unknown agents (3%)
       by favored host category:
            * 116 favor conifers (67%)
            *   50 favor hardwoods (29%)
            *     7 feed on both (4%)
       FIDL numbers
            * range from #1 to #176
            * 3 are discontinued: #4, #19, #48
            * #177 was assigned to someone...but we don't know
               who! Please contact the coordinator if you can
               solve this mystery.
  • Most recent new FIDL: #176 Invasive Bark Beetles (2007)
  • Most recent revised FIDL: #119 Western Tent Caterpillar (2008)
  • Oldest unrevised FIDL: #16 Pole Blight of Western White Pine (1957)
  • Shortest Time Between Revisions: 6 months
         #76 Annosus Root Rot in Eastern Conifers
         revised in June 1970 and again in December 1970
  • Author Information:
    Most Prolific (current versions only): Louis F. Wilson (14)
         runners-up: Bob Mathiasen (9), Jerry Beatty (8)
    Most Prolific (all versions): Louis F. Wilson (23)
         runners-up: Bob Mathiasen (9), Jerry Beatty (8),
         George Struble (8)

    # of Different Authors (all versions): 238
Related Topics:

    Thanks to Brennan Ferguson
    for some "FIDL Facts" ideas.

graph showing number of new (or revised) FIDLs

last updated: October 23, 2008   

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Washington, D.C. 20250-1110
(703) 605-5344