NIOSH Mining Safety and Health Research

Mining Calendar

Please contact us if your organization would like to have a conference or event included on this NIOSH mining calendar.

October 2008

2008 TRAM/National Mine Instructors Seminar
10/14/2008 to 10/16/2008, National Mine Health and Safety Academy, Beckley, West Virginia

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This tuition-free seminar provides opportunities for health and safety trainers to improve their training programs with new ideas and new materials. Participants may select from 60-70 workshops to attend. A small group format encourages interaction between the participants and the workshop leaders. The seminar also includes an exhibit of training materials developed by MSHA, state grants recipients, and the mining industry.

4th Annual Joint Western Regional Mine Safety and Health Conference
10/27/2008 to 10/30/2008, Westminster, CO

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Sponsoring agencies from the mining industry, government and education present the Fourth Annual Joint Western Regional Mine Safety and Health Conference. Committed to exploring ways to improve health and safety in the mining industry, the purpose of this premier conference is to:

  • Build partnerships focusing on zero fatalities, injuries and occupational illnesses in the mining industry

  • Foster relationships and open communication between industry and federal agencies

  • Create a better understanding of how to send healthy miners home after each shift.

2008 SME/PCMIA Annual Joint Meeting
10/30/2008 to 10/31/2008, Canonsburg, PA

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During this two-day event, there will be four technical sessions covering Mine Rescue and Recovery, New Technology, Carbon Mitigation and Emissions, and Mine Seals.

The Mining Industry Career Fair will take place on Thursday afternoon, October 30. Coal companies, mining consultants, equipment manufacturers, regulatory agencies and others will be in attendance. Students are encouraged to attend and bring along their resumes. There will be summer and permanent employment opportunities available.

November 2008

13th Annual WY Mine Safety & Health Conference
11/5/2008 to 11/6/2008, Casper, WY

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This conference is presented by the Wyoming MSHA State Grant Program and the Wyoming State Mine Inspector with cooperation from MSHA.

Southeastern US Mine Safety & Health Conference
11/5/2008 to 11/7/2008, Birmingham, AL

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This Conference is for owners, operators, suppliers, miners, contractors, educators, and regulatory professionals who want to support safe practices at the mines in the Southeastern US. Critical issues will be addresses that affect ALL facilities that process coal, metal and non-metal mined products.

1st International Future Mining Conference and Exhibition
11/19/2008, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

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The Conference aims to present and discuss future technological needs of the mining industry; current and prospective innovations in the mining industry and implementation of new scientific and technological developments from other disciplines into the mining industry. It will provide a forum for communication among mine operators, senior managers, technical managers, scientists, engineers, equipment manufacturers, government representatives and other stakeholders. The conference also aims to identify possible scenarios of "Mining in the Future" and provide a picture of the global mining industry in 2025 and beyond.

December 2008

The 13th Annual Safety Seminar for Underground Stone Mines
12/9/2008 to 12/10/2008, Louisville, KY

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The only national meeting entirely focused on underground stone mining, this year the seminar will feature discussions related to diesel particulate matter (DPM) and methods to observe and control ground conditions. In addition, there will be special emphasis on hearing loss prevention. During certain times, hearing tests will be given in the NIOSH Hearing Loss Prevention Unit on a first-come, first-served basis.

An Early Bird Workshop on Tuesday, December 9th will focus on hearing loss prevention. Topics will include: training and interventions, exposure assessment for the stone industry, PPE applications, and noise controls for roof bolting machines and jackleg drills.

September 2009

Workshop on Vibrations from Blasting
9/12/2009 to 9/13/2009, Granada, Spain

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The Workshop on Vibrations from Blasting will take place on the weekend prior to the 9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting. It will cover the latest advances in vibration measurements. Attendees will gain a better understanding of current best practice and will learn at least one new technique or tool for managing Vibrations from Blasting.

9th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting
9/13/2009 to 9/17/2009, Granada, Spain

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The Fragblast conferences are the worldwide forum for a scientific and technical update on all aspects of rock blasting and explosives engineering: rock fracture and movement, explosives design, testing and properties, detonics, blast design, blast seismics, numerical modeling, economical aspects, etc. The previous conferences have served the blasting community with an unparalleled combination of scientific advances and practical applications and the proceedings of the Fragblast symposia are must-have literature on the working desk of researchers, scholars, consultants, field engineers and blasters.

Other Calendars

Mining Technology - Exhibitions and Conferences ( - Mining Related Events Calendar (
MSHA Upcoming Events (

Page last updated: October 2, 2008
Page last reviewed: October 2, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division