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Caring for Wounded Warriors Act of 2008

A bill to require pilot programs on training and certification for family caregiver personal care attendants for veterans and members of the Armed Forces with traumatic brain injury, to require a pilot program on provision of respite care to such veterans and members, and for other purposes.

Other Bill Titles (2 more)

Caring for Wounded Warriors Act of 2008 - Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out up to three pilot programs to assess the feasibility and advisability of providing training and certification for family caregivers of veterans and members of the Arm... moreSee Full Bill Text


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April 28, 2008
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July 02, 2008 Affairs

Affairs Of The Harp On Thursday, the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee approved provisions contained in S. 2921, The Caring for Wounded Warriors Act, S. 2921. BIAA has strongly supported and endorsed this legislation, ...

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Source: Affairs

July 01, 2008 Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Approves Caring for Wounded ...

On Thursday, the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee approved provisions contained in S. 2921, The Caring for Wounded Warriors Act, S. 2921. BIAA has strongly supported and endorsed this legislation, and several recommendations made by ...

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Source: Brain Injury Blog | Traumatic Brain Injury TBI

May 26, 2008 Brain Injury Legislative Update

On Wednesday, May 21, the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee held a hearing on pending health care legislation, including S. 2921, The Caring for Wounded Warriors Act, which BIAA has strongly endorsed. BIAA submitted a Statement for the ...

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Source: braininjury

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