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Follow the Salmon up the Cedar River!

Each fall, you can join volunteer naturalists at sites along the Cedar River to see spawning salmon. Learn about the epic journey that takes place every fall as salmon swim from the ocean -- through the Locks -- through Lake Washington… and on up the river to spawn.

Volunteers tell visitors about the natural and human history of the river, the life cycle and habitat needs of the fish, including Puget Sound chinook salmon, a threatened species. We also learn what we can do to ensure the return of these special creatures.

Volunteers are stationed from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekend days in the fall at four sites: Renton Library, Riverview Park, Cavanaugh Pond and Landsburg Park. These sites have limited parking; please carpool!

The Cedar River Salmon Journey is currently coordinated by Seattle Public Utilities and the Seattle Aquarium. For more information about program dates, directions or to volunteer as a naturalist, please call (206) 386-1584 or email

Things you can do to help salmon thrive:

  • Enrich your garden with compost instead of chemical fertilizers.
  • Avoid pesticides. Instead use native plants, rotate your crops and learn about "friendly" insects that control pests naturally.
  • Conserve water in your home and yard. Water infrequently but deeply.
  • Take your car to a commercial carwash. Don't wash it on the street.
  • Recycle used motor oil and fix oil leaks.
  • Dispose of pet waste properly and fence larger animals away from streams.
  • Sweep your sidewalks and driveway instead of hosing them down.
  • Plant a tree. By a waterbody or anywhere else, trees help control and slow runoff.

For questions about this Cedar River Naturalist web page, please contact Marie Alvarado.

Updated: March 22, 2006

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