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Mailing list requests

The Water & Land Resources Division often sends out notices and fliers announcing new programs and opportunities, or informing King County citizens about upcoming public meetings or construction projects in their area. You can help us keep you informed by signing up on our mailing list. You can also update an incorrect address or remove yourself from the list if you no longer want to receive regular mailings.

Mailing list sign-up form

Please use this form if you are not on our list and want to begin receiving our information. We will not sell or give mailing list information to any outside organization. (For more privacy information, please see notes below.)

First name: Last name:
Organization: (optional)
Street address:
City: State: ZIP code:

Phone number:

Save a tree! If you give us your e-mail address, we will send you e-mail rather than a printed flier for many of our mailings.
E-mail address:


Mailing list change request form

Please use this form if you are already on our list and want to update or correct your information, or want to be taken off our list. Note that even if you ask to be taken off our main mailing list, you may still receive occasional mailings from us since we sometimes use other sources for addresses. (For more privacy information, please see notes below.)

Please update/correct my mailing information
I receive multiple mailings. Please remove this address, but retain any others for me.
I no longer want to receive mailings. Please remove this address.

Current address from label to be updated or removed (if available):

Correct address (optional for mailing list removal request):
First name: Last name:
Organization: (optional)
Street address:
City: State: ZIP code:

Phone number:

Save a tree! If you give us your e-mail address, we will send you e-mail rather than a printed flier for many of our mailings.
E-mail address:

Comments (optional):

Privacy notes: Please see the King County Web Policies for general information about privacy. In accordance with these policies, King County Water & Land Resources doesn't sell or give mailing list information to other organizations. However, we will sometimes provide mailing labels for collaborative projects in which we are a partner. If you ask to be taken off our mailing list, we will remove you from our main mailing list. However, you may still receive an occasional mailing from us since we use other sources for some mailings, including mailing labels provided by project partners and addresses taken from the King County parcel database.

For questions about the
Water and Land Resources Web Site,
please contact Fred Bentler, webmaster.

Department of Natural Resources
Water and Land Resources Division

Updated: August 18, 2004

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