United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Introduction The Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk
Szyk resources
Ink and Blood, 1944
Examine this artwork
Ink and Blood, 1944 Detail [USHMM #94613/Gift of Alexandra and Joseph Braciejowski]

Jewish Artist
Wartime Caricaturist
Action - Not Pity
Jewish Artist
Szyk resources
Viewing Activity

Viewing Activity
These pages are intended to help you interpret Arthur Szyk’s artwork. The questions highlight the exhibition’s three sections and prompt you to examine a particular work of art in each.


Szyk resources
Exhibition Catalog
The Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk
by Steven Luckert, exhibition curator
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk
Published to accompany the Museum’s new exhibition, this intriguing volume includes 136 pages of vivid, full color reproductions drawn from private and public collectors around the world, historical photographs, and detailed text. Arthur Szyk’s remarkable personal and artistic journey is examined, as is his development as a gifted illustrator, extraordinary caricaturist, commercial artist, Jewish patriot, and crusader.


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Table of contents

The Jewish Artist
Wartime Caricaturist
“Action—Not Pity”


Szyk resources
Related Books

United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum

Arthur Szyk
online bibliography

Arthur Szyk [USHMM #N07545/ Joseph and Alexandra Braciejowski]

Arthur Szyk.
Polish-born Jewish artist Arthur Szyk crafted book illustrations and illuminations imbued with rich detail, artistic genius, and personal fervor. From the religious to the secular and the political, Arthur Szyk's works reveal the sensitivity and passion of a man committed to justice and to humanity. This bibliography was compiled by the Museum's Library to document the range of Szyk's artistry, and to guide the reader to books by and about Szyk and other political cartoonists. It lists his original works; books he illustrated; exhibitions, catalogs, and collections of his art; sources for news and commentary about Szyk; and studies of other World War II-era political cartoons and caricatures.

See the bibliography...
Dr. Seuss Goes to War: The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodor Seuss Geisel

by Richard H. Minear

Dr. Seuss Goes to War Among the Featured items in the Museum's Library

Before Dr. Seuss was Dr. Seuss, he was Theodor Giesel, and before he achieved tremendous fame for his unconventional children's books, he drew unconventional political cartoons for PM, a left-wing daily newspaper in New York. Minear's book, Dr. Seuss Goes to War, returns these cartoons, representing a little-known period in the creative life of Dr. Seuss, to the attention of an American public who knows him only for the Cat in the Hat and the Whos of Who-ville.


Szyk resources
Web Links
wartime and present-day cartoons and caricatures

University of California, San Diego, Mandeville Special Collections Library presentation
Dr. Seuss Went to War: A Catalog of Political Cartoons by Dr. Seuss

Library of Congress online exhibition
Herblock’s History: Political Cartoons from the Crash to the Millennium

sites featuring Szyk's work

Library of Congress online exhibition
Arthur Szyk: Artist for Freedom

Newseum online exhibition
HOLOCAUST: The Untold Story (see 1943 Jewish Activists section)

The Arthur Szyk Society, a not-for-profit organization founded in 1991, presents the artist's prolific body of works to broad and diverse audiences in the U.S. and worldwide.
The Arthur Szyk Society

more about American response to the Holocaust

Companion Web site to the PBS documentary
"America and the Holocaust"

"The United States and the Holocaust"

Szyk resources
Public Program

Drawing on War: Artists as Activists
What impact did editorial cartoons have on American public opinion during World War II and what role did they play in creating awareness of the persecution and murder of Jews during the Holocaust? A panel of experts examines these and other questions during a discussion held in conjunction with the special exhibition The Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk.


Szyk resources
Around Town with Robert Aubry Davis

WETA's "Around Town with Aubrey Davis" featured a discussion of The Art and Politics of Arthur Szyk on April 18, 2002, shortly after the exhibition opened at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. In this video segment, panelists Robert Aubry Davis, Bill Dunlap, Peter Fay, Jane Horwitz, and Joe Barber describe the Szyk exhibition and the art of caricature.

Read the transcript

Jewish Artist
Wartime Caricaturist
Action - Not Pity
Szyk resources
Szyk resources