News from Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers  
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Kevan Chapman
Communications Director
(202) 225-3831

Ehlers Applauds Bill Gates’ Remarks to Science Committee


Gates calls on Congress to increase funding for science, innovation efforts


WASHINGTON – Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers praised Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates on Wednesday for his remarks to the House Committee on Science and Technology. Mr. Gates told the committee that Congress should fully fund the America COMPETES Act (H.R. 2272), which Mr. Ehlers helped author.


“This Committee, of course, has been a leading advocate for expanding educational opportunities for American students and workers in the vital areas of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM),” Mr. Gates told the committee. “These initiatives − and many others this Committee has spearheaded − represent critical strides in the much-needed effort to reform our faltering educational system, and I commend you for your vision and efforts. But in order to ensure the continued success of our young people now and in the future, the public and private sectors must do more. One of the most important steps that Congress can take to address this issue is to fully fund the America COMPETES Act.”


Following the hearing Mr. Gates personally commended Congressman Ehlers for his work on STEM education. Ehlers co-founded the STEM Education Caucus and is the leading advocate for STEM education issues in Congress.


On the COMPETES Act, Congressman Ehlers played a major role in ushering the bill through Congress last year. It was signed into law by President Bush in August, 2007. “I am very disappointed that the proposed budget does not call for fully-funding the COMPETES Act, and I agree with Mr. Gates that the funding is critical for our nation’s global competitiveness,” said Mr. Ehlers. “In order to keep up with the speed of global innovation, we must do everything we can to help businesses compete and teach the next generation of workers the skills they need to help the United States remain competitive in the global marketplace.”


The America COMPETES Act contained a provision that closely tracks Congressman Ehlers’ Manufacturing Technology Competitiveness Act (H.R. 255), which authorizes funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP). The MEP is a vital resource for small and medium-sized manufacturing firms in West Michigan trying to compete globally. It serves as a resource center for manufacturers attempting to cut costs and become more efficient. The bill also authorized a manufacturing research and development grant program and a manufacturing research science fellowship program.


Microsoft Chairman Gates spoke to the Committee on Science and Technology about science and innovation issues in the United States as part of the committee’s 50th anniversary celebration. Congressman Ehlers is a member of the committee and is the top Republican on the committee’s Research and Science Education Subcommittee.


