News from Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers  
Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Jon Brandt, Press Secretary
(202) 225-3831

Ehlers ‘very pleased’ with Bush’s emphasis on competitiveness


Commitment to R&D, math and science education crucial, congressman says

WASHINGTON - Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers, R-Grand Rapids, offered the following comments regarding President George W. Bush’s State of the Union Address, delivered Tuesday evening to the American people before a joint session of Congress in the chambers of the U.S. House of Representatives:


“President Bush tonight struck a strong and optimistic tone in his speech. I appreciated his inspiring words about the need to end tyranny and promote democracy and liberty. His proposal for a bipartisan commission to examine the long-term viability of our nation’s entitlement programs is imperative. His call to make health care more affordable for all Americans was well-received. And I greatly appreciate his proposal to wean our country from dependence on foreign oil and other forms of fossil fuels by encouraging the development and use of alternative forms of energy.


“The part of the president’s message that resonated most with me was his commitment to improving America’s competitiveness both at home and abroad, especially because Grand Rapids and Michigan have lost jobs to other nations. I am very pleased with President Bush’s emphasis on competitiveness and his greater commitment to scientific research and development, as well as to improved math and science education. Our economy is improving, but there is much room for improvement, especially in Michigan.


“To maintain our economic competitiveness and national security, it is crucial that the federal government plays a strong role in strengthening our country’s math and science education. I applaud President Bush’s call to add 70,000 new high school math and science teachers and to bring 30,000 math and science professionals and their expertise into the classroom.


“As a physicist, researcher and educator, it warmed my heart to hear President Bush spend a significant amount of time in his most important speech of the year devoted to improving math and science education and increasing funding for scientific research. Such investments will create an innovative workforce that will ensure U.S. economic health. I stand ready to help lead the president’s American Competitiveness Initiative in any way that I can."
