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Selected Internet Resources

Government, Politics, Law : Japan

This pathfinder includes information about government, politics, and law in Japan.

Created and maintained by the
 Asian Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Birth of the Constitution of Japan / 日本国憲法の誕生  (
The National Diet Library has digitized important documents relating to the Constitution of Japan and makes them available at this site. The digitized documents can be enlarged and read online. The site includes background information on historical figures involved in the Constitution of Japan, a glossary, links, a bibliography and many useful documents.

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments - Japan  (
The Central Intelligence Agency publishes and updates the online directory of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments weekly. The directory is a reference aid. This link goes directly to the Japan pages of this CIA site.

The Constitution of Japan (1946) / 憲法  (
An English language translation of the postwar Constitution of Japan (November 3, 1946).

The Constitution of the Empire of Japan (1889)  (
An English language translation of the prewar Constitution of the Empire of Japan (Meiji 22/1889).

The Democratic Party of Japan / 民主党  (
The website of the political party, Minshutō, the Democratic Party of Japan.

Diet Minutes / 国会会議録検索システム  (
This is a searchable database of the Diet Minutes for both the Sangiin (House of Councillors) and the Shugiin (House of Representatives).

E-Gov: Search Japanese Government Websites / 電子政府の総合窓口  (
This is an excellent site that allows you to search in both Japanese and English for Japanese government websites including the Administrative Management Bureau, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, and Posts and Telecommunications.

English Translations of Japanese Laws / 日本の国内法の英訳  (
Maintained by a graduate student at the University of Tokyo, this website provides links to more than 100 Japanese laws in English.

Arranged by the Law Library of Congress, this site recommends law-related sites that concern Japan.

Governments on the WWW: Japan  (
This site includes links to such national institutions as the Diet, ministries, agencies, overseas Japanese Embassies and consulates, political parties, and general information.

House of Councillors (Sangiin) / 参議院  (
One of the two houses of the National Diet of Japan, the House of Councillors (Sangiin) works with the House of Representatives (Shūgiin) to make the laws of Japan. This official website includes historical background, translations of Diet-related laws, information for visiting the Diet, names of the current members, and links to Japan's national government institutions.

House of Representatives (Shūgiin) / 衆議院  (
The official website of the House of Representatives (Shūgiin) of the Japanese Diet, this site includes information about the functions of the Diet, a breakdown of members by political party affiliation, a list of current members, and a link to daily program proceedings.

JIN - Japan Information Network  (
Includes links to sites on government and politics in Japan.

Japan Directory: Politics/Administration / 政治・行政  (
A Japan Information Network Directory that gives contact information (address, telephone, fax, email, webpage) for Government Agencies, Public Corporations, Local Governments, and Political Parties.

Japan Documentation Center / Library of Congress  (
The Japan Documentation Center (JDC) was established in 1992 to collect and disseminate Japanese public policy information. The project successfully developed an information management system and a database of over 5,000 items that includes source materials in fields such as economics, commerce and industry, law, politics, the environment, and social conditions. With the closing of the Japan Documentation Center (JDC) on March 31, 2000, the JDC database will not be updated, but the collection will be serviced by the Japanese Section staff in the Asian Division.

Japan Labor Party / 日本労働党  (
The website of the political party, Nihon rōdōtō, Japanese labor party (in Japanese only).

Japan focus  (
Japan Focus is a new electronic site that offers writings about Japan, Japan in Asia and the world, as well as Japanese and international perspectives on contemporary Japanese politics, economics and society. It offers translations from Japanese and Japan Focus originals.

Japanese Communist Party / 日本共産党  (
The website of the political party, Nihon Kyōsantō, the Communist Party of Japan.

Japanese Legal Research at The University of Washington  (
Prepared by Rob Britt at the Gallagher Law Library at the University of Washington, this excellent compilation of Japanese Legal Research is frequently updated and includes basic reference materials for Japanese legal research, information on finding articles in journals, finding laws, cases, other legal materials in both English and Japanese, as well as other web resources.

Japanese Political Central  (
This is a relatively new website that allows you to search for Japan-related news concerning politics, the economy, international and defense topics. You can search for biographical information on the current Japanese Diet members, including personal information, contact information, party and factional affiliation, diet assignments, and cabinet positions. It offers a free basic membership but requires a fee for more detailed information.

Liberal Democratic Party of Japan / 自由民主党  (
The website of the political party, Jiyū Minshutō, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. Information includes messages from key party officials, press releases, and information about the party (constitution, outline, organizational chart, priciples, platform, career data of key party officials, etc).

Liberal League / 自由連合  (
The website of the political party, Jiyū Rengō, the Liberal League.

NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks  (
NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks provides a systematic introduction to the world's most prominent and innovative public policy research institutes, better known as think tanks. This revised edition contains information available on 320 think tanks from 77 countries and regions. The directory can be searched by country - click on Japan.

NYU Law Guide to Japanese Law  (
Compiled by the New York University School of Law, this site offers information on Japanese Copyright Law, links to English resources on finance, economy, politics, and law, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and other useful sources on Japanese law. It has a wonderful guide to Japanese Law Via the Internet by Makoto Ibusuki, Professor of Law at Kagoshima University.

The National Security Archive: U.S.-Japan Project: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations Since 1960 / 日米関係  (
An international cooperative project on relations between the United States and Japan. The site includes the full text of its working paper series and an oral history program that includes English and Japanese interviews with former American and Japanese officials involved in policymaking between the two countries since 1960.

New Komeitō / 公明党  (
The website of the Komeitō political party of Japan.

New Socialist Party / 新社会党  (
The website of the political party, Shin Shakaitō, the New Socialist Party of Japan.

Senrei / 先例  (
This site provides summaries of important Japanese court cases involving recent constitutional, civil, and commercial law. It also has articles and essays on a variety of related topics, as well as numerous links to useful legal resources.

Social Democratic Party of Japan / 社会民主党   (
The website of the political party, Shakai minshutō (Shamintō), the Social Democratic Party (in Japanese only).

Supreme Court of Japan / 最高裁判所  (
The Supreme Court website includes an overview of the judicial system, a virtual tour of the Supreme Court, a guide to court procedure, prominent judgements of the Supreme Court and information about the fifteen justices on the court.

U.S. State Department on Japan  (
The U.S. Department of State lists country information for Japan that includes the US Embassy, consulates, press releases and links to major reports about Japan.

United Nations Asia and Far East Institute (UNAFEI) / 国連アジア極東犯罪防止研修所(アジ研)  (
The United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) is a United Nations regional institute, established in 1962 by agreement between the United Nations and the Government of Japan, with the aim of promoting the sound development of criminal justice systems and mutual cooperation in Asia and the Pacific Region.

World Statesmen - Japan  (
The Japan pages of World Statesmen lists the historical leaders of Japan. It lists the heads of state and government, has images of the Japanese flag in different periods of history, includes maps, has the English text of the national anthem, the Meiji and 1947 versions of the Constitution, as well as era names.

The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) - Japan  (
The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) Legal directory and search engine offers legislation, case-law, journals, law reform, by country and subject. These are the Japan pages.

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  September 19, 2005
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