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Community Roots: Selections from the Local Legacies Project
Collage of Local Legacies
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Symbol of Circle of Wellness
Circle of Wellness Symbol 

Circle of Wellness

A grassroots effort to assist the region's American Indian population in enhancing their health, strength, and wholeness, the Circle of Wellness was developed by local organizations and individuals who serve the community. Its symbol, the circle, represents the cycles of life, including the four seasons, the cardinal directions of the universe, the heavens and Mother Earth; it presents a holistic symbol of mental, physical, and emotional health in the broadest sense, revealing the parts of human nature that must be nourished to bring a person, and/or community to wholeness. The four integral components of the Circle of Wellness are 1) cultural preservation; 2) entrepreneurial development; 3) education; 4) social services. If a person is to be truly whole, then all four of these needs must be addressed.

The mission of the Circle of Wellness is to provide access to culturally sensitive social services, enhance the quality of life for individuals and families, empower American Indian people through entrepreneurial opportunities and provide avenues for sharing/celebrating Utah's American Indian cultural heritage

The focus of the endeavor is to collocate the urban Indian organizations and services for the Indian community into a centralized location to better serve the American Indian constituents, while maintaining the various participating organizations' individual autonomy. The facility will also provide space to host cultural events, library and museum services, recreational venues, and office space for Utah tribes, and other entities providing direct services to the American Indian community.

On July 10, 1998, the Circle of Wellness, Inc. was formally incorporated in the State of Utah to facilitate a capital fund-raiding campaign. A site has been identified in West Valley City. The project will require in excess of $20 million for completion, which will include land acquisition, construction costs, and establishment of an endowment for operation and maintenance of the non-profit organization, land, and facilities.

Documentation consists of a information on the Circle of Wellness; a business concept for the Circle of Wellness, Inc.; and a videotape from December 1999 showing a Utah Native American Pow-Wow, featuring the Dance of Honor.

Originally submitted by: Merrill Cook, Representative (2nd District).

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The Local Legacies project provides a "snapshot" of American Culture as it was expressed in spring of 2000. Consequently, it is not being updated with new or revised information with the exception of "Related Website" links.

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