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Bent's Old Fort National Historic Sitecactus
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Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site
Disturbed Lands
There are approximately 483 acres of park land that have been disturbed by development or agricultural use prior to National Park Service ownership. The land was used either for cattle grazing or for irrigated crops or has been impacted by fire or exotic weed infestations. Four hundred (400) acres of the park on the south side of the Arkansas River were grazed even after the land was purchased by the government in 1979. Prior to 1979, the area supported a farmstead and a herd of cattle. The land on the north side of the Arkansas river was primarily used for raising crops. Currently, sixty-eight acres on the north side of the river are being restored to native grasses.
Trade room  

Did You Know?
The trade room at Bent’s Fort was stocked with items from around the world. There were glass beads from Italy, trade guns from England and Belgium, blankets and fabric from England, brass hawk bells from France, silver jewelry from Germany and vermillion from China.

Last Updated: July 31, 2006 at 18:17 EST