Metropolitan King County Council
516 Third Ave., Rm. 1200
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-296-1000
Toll Free: 800-325-6165
TTY/TDD: 206-296-1024
Fax: 206-296-0198
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Growth Management and Natural Resources Committee

The Council's Growth Management and Natural Resources Committee considers and makes recommendations on policies and issues relating to land use development, comprehensive planning, development regulations, regulatory reform and recommendations to the Department of Development and Environmental Services. When considering updates to the King County Comprehensive Plan, all members of the Council are considered voting members of this committee, with the committee chair able to refer various portions of the Comprehensive Plan to panels of members and to employ the various standing committees of the Council as panels.

The committee considers and makes recommendations relating to market-rate housing and housing affordability, the Growth Management Planning Council and the Countywide Planning Policies, Potential Annexation Areas and the boundary review board, planned action environmental impact statements and related phased state Environmental Policy Act review, the Puget Sound Regional Council, and development and land use regulations necessary to implement salmon recovery and/or comply with the Endangered Species Act.

The committee considers and make recommendations relating to subarea planning community councils and other unincorporated self-government strategies. 

The committee will also consider and make recommendations on policies and issues relating to resource lands, flood control and surface water and stormwater management, water quality and quantity, and the restoration of Puget Sound.

Meeting Times: First, second, and third Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m.
Council Chambers, King County Courthouse, 10th floor

Chair: Larry Gossett
Vice Chair: Jane Hague
Members: Dow Constantine, Reagan Dunn, Larry Phillips 


Related Information:
Committee agendas and minutes

Archive Video of committee meetings

Committee Staff:
Lead Analyst: Mike Reed
Legislative Analysts: Rick Bautista, Marilyn Cope, Jennifer Giambattista
Committee Assistant: Janice Mansfield