Privacy notice


King County, as a government entity, conducts public business and its records related to the business of King County are generally available for public review. Nevertheless, King County is committed, to the extent allowable by law, to protect and secure your personal information contained in King County records. This privacy commitment must be balanced with the rights of public access under Chapter 42.17 RCW, Washington Public Disclosure Act, consistent with KCC 2.14.030 (549K PDF; scroll down to 2.14.030) and any other applicable federal, state, and local statute or regulation.

This privacy notice does not apply to personnel files, job applications, court records, law enforcement investigation, regulatory investigation, assessor records, and recorded documents maintained by the Records, Elections, and Licensing Services division.

Information privacy

King County gathers personal information when it is relevant and necessary to accomplish county business. We only obtain this information through legal means. When King County collects personal information from you, we:

Information privacy specific to the Internet

We also collect information on our Web site, both anonymous and personal.

King County's Web site has links to other Web sites, including other government agencies, non-profit organizations and private businesses. When you link to one of these external Web sites, you are no longer on King County's Web site and this privacy notice no longer applies. Instead, you are subject to the privacy notice of that Web site.

Review and correct your personal information

Upon written request to a specific King County agency, you may review personal information that the agency maintains about you and ask that agency to correct errors.

Upon written request to a specific King County agency, you may receive a written statement that generally identifies the known circumstances under which personal information in the agency's public records may be disclosed.

To find out more, contact King County at the e-mail address or telephone number listed below.

Contact information and alternate languages

For privacy inquiries or alternate languages, please contact King County by e-mail at or leave a telephone message at 206-205-6899. (Languages offered: Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Korean, Laotian and Spanish).

Other King County privacy notices

Some King County organizations may have privacy notices that are more restrictive than this information privacy notice. In that case, the organization's specific privacy notice takes precedence over this information privacy notice. For privacy inquiries specific to a King County organization's privacy notice, please contact that organization directly.

Alternate formats of this document are available by telephone, at 206-205-6899 or TTY Relay 711.