Department of Health and Human Services

Office of Inspector General -- AUDIT

"State of Florida's Efforts to Account for and Monitor Sub-Recipients' Use of Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism Program Funds," (A-04-03-01007)

October 21, 2003

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This final report points out that the Florida Department of Health (Florida) generally accounted for program funds ($44.8 million received for the 4-year period ending August 30, 2003) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and applicable departmental regulations and guidelines.  Specifically, Florida recorded, summarized and reported transactions by specific focus area.  At the time of our review, Florida did not have any sub-recipients.  When Florida contracts with sub-recipients, it has monitoring procedures in place.  In addition, Florida is developing a site visit component.  Further, Florida officials indicated that CDC funding had not been used to supplant programs previously funded by other organizational sources.  We recommended Florida implement sub-recipient monitoring when contracts are awarded, and address problem areas, as they are identified.  Florida concurred with our findings and recommendation and is taking corrective actions to improve its bioterrorism grant program.

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