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Craters Of The Moon National Monument & Preservespatter cones
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Craters Of The Moon National Monument & Preserve
Nonnative Species
Spotted knapweed is often spreaded along road edges when seeds are transported by vehicles.
(Washington State University Photo)
Spotted Knapweed
The National Park Service strives to preserve natural resources at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, including the native plants and animals. Non-native species are those which occupy lands as a result of the deliberate or accidental activities of people. Non-native species often alter ecological processes, disrupting food chains and nutrient cycles by out-competing native organisms in their own habitat. Diverse native plant communities which provide food and cover for a variety wildlife can be rapidly replaced by a dominant non-native weed which provides neither food nor cover for native animals.

Not all non-native plants present the same degree of threat to native plants and animals. Those capable of rapid spread are often called invasive weeds. Those with serious economic impacts are designated as noxious weeds. Noxious weeds affecting Craters of the Moon include spotted and diffuse knapweeds, leafy spurge, Canada thistle, and rush skeletonweed. Non-native invasive weeds are a significant threat to the remaining pristine vegetation communities within the monument. Management of noxious weed infestations through prevention of new introductions and by control or elimination of existing infestations is a high priority resource issue for the National Park Service at Craters of the Moon.

Several non-native birds make their homes at Craters. Some species such as Chukar or Gray Partridge may not have a significant impact on native species. Others can be a serious problem for native species. These problems range from Rock Doves which can change the nutrient levels in caves to Starlings and English Sparrows, which evict native birds from their nests. Craters is working with neighboring agencies and landowners to identify, locate, control and where feasible eradicate non-native species that threaten our natural resources. The issue of non-native species is likely to receive continued attention at Craters and around the world for many years to come.

Invasive Species Information is the gateway to Federal efforts concerning invasive species. On this site you can learn about the impacts of invasive species and the Federal government's response, as well as read select species profiles and find links to agencies and organizations dealing with invasive species issues.

The Invader That Won the West
Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project, 1996. 23 pages.


satellite view of the Craters of the Moon lava flow  

Did You Know?
Craters of the Moon is a HUGE national park! It is over 1,100 square miles (over 750,000 acres) which is roughly the size of Rhode Island. The young lava flows that make up the bulk of the Monument and Preserve can clearly be seen from space.

Last Updated: December 20, 2007 at 16:12 EST