Autism Caucus

Coalition for Autism Research and Education
Information and Updates

Dear Friends,

As you are aware, during the 107th Congress, Representative Chris Smith and I founded and co-chaired the first-ever Congressional Membership Organization dedicated to autism advocacy on Capitol Hill—The Coalition for Autism Research and Education (CARE). Over 180 Members of Congress from over 40 states joined this bipartisan and bicameral effort.

We still have much work to do, and thus both Rep. Smith and I are once again proud to serve as co-chairs for the Coalition for Autism Research and Education for the 110th Congress. (Click here for 110th Congress CURRENT MEMBERSHIP) As we continue to build support from both the House and Senate, I will update this list as new Members are added. If your Representative is not yet a Member, I encourage you to contact them directly and share your views on the importance of autism advocacy.

The goals of the bipartisan Coalition for Autism Research and Education will include, but are not limited to:

  • Increasing general awareness of autism and autism spectrum disorders among Members of Congress and policy analysts in federal government;
  • Educate Members of Congress on current and future research initiatives regarding autism;
  • Serve as a forum where autism-related policy issues can be exchanged, debated, and discussed;
  • Bring together public, private, and government entities to pursue legislative initiatives that will help facilitate advanced treatments—and ultimately a cure—for autism spectrum disorders.
  • Promote all means to ease the burdens of families and loved ones affected by autism

Click here for Current Issues or Legislation important to CARE Members

Click here for some Facts & Figures about autism and autism spectrum disorders

Please keep in mind that these are general goals for CARE. We are open to suggestions from the families, friends, and loved ones on the front lines of the war on autism. I want to personally thank each and every one of the parents and families who have dedicated themselves not only to their loved ones affected with autism, but also to raising awareness of the need for federal attention to this devastating and life-long disorder.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington DC office at (202) 225-2135.


Mike Doyle
Member of Congress

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The 110TH CONGRESS (2007-2008) The Library of Congress: THOMAS


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A New Direction for America