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Banner, Congressman Mike Doyle, Representing the People of the 14th District of Pennsylvania
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September 29, 2008

Congressman Doyle’s Statement on House Consideration of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act



Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) issued the following statement this afternoon after House consideration of H.R. 3997, legislation intended to end the current financial crisis:

 “I voted in favor of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act because I believed that, while this was far from a perfect bill, doing nothing would hurt my constituents more.  I was not prepared to stand by and put the people I represent and their 401(k) plans, their savings accounts, and their retirement savings – as well as their ability to get student loans, car loans, small business loans, and mortgages – at risk.

“I have called upon our Congressional leadership to bring us back into session as soon as possible so we can come to agreement on a solution to this crisis.  Hopefully, we can strengthen the next bill’s provisions for helping homeowners, eliminating CEOs’ golden parachutes, and recovering any taxpayer money spent to stabilize our nation’s financial system.”


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