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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Jack Morgan, Research Leader
Dana Blumenthal
Terry Booth
Feike A. Dijkstra
David Augustine
Justin Derner
CPER Precipitation
Rangeland Research Links

Welcome to the Rangeland Resources Research Unit (RRRU). Our three-location Unit spans two states (Wyoming and Colorado), and two major grasslands of the western Great Plains.  The High Plains Grasslands Research Station, headquarters for the unit, is located on 2,870 acres of northern mixed-grass prairie near Cheyenne, Wyoming.  The 15,500 acre Central Plains Experimental Range near Nunn, CO lies 35 miles to the south-east of the Cheyenne, WY on native shortgrass steppe.  In Fort Collins, near Colorado State University, is the third location, the Crops Research Laboratory.

The Unit conducts research within two major research areas:  Conservation-Production Systems for semi-arid rangelands, and Global Climate Change.  Research includes vegetation and soil changes (transitions/thresholds) in plant communities; managing for multiple uses; range monitoring; invasive species; plant-animal interactions; and climate change impacts on rangelands. Scientists include: David Augustine, Dana Blumenthal, Terry Booth, Justin Derner, Feike Dijkstra, and Jack Morgan.

Spotlights header image
 Picture.  Link to story.

Climate Change in Western Rangelands Symposium.

 Picture. Link to story. 80th Anniversary of Research at High Plains Grasslands Research Station.
 Excess Property Auction to be held on October.  Picture. Link to story. NPA News & Events 
Find out what's happening in the Northern Plains Area.


Contact Information

8408 Hildreth Road
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Phone:  307-772-2433
Fax:    307-637-6124



Last Modified: 09/10/2008
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