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Press Statement
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
Washington, DC
May 26, 2008

Meeting in Kisangani with Rwandan Armed Factions

The United States welcomes efforts by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo to advance the momentum for peace generated by the Nairobi Communiqué and the Goma Agreement. A Congolese delegation is meeting today with members of Rwandan illegal armed groups present in the Congo to deliver a strong message that such groups must disarm and return to Rwanda without any preconditions.

The United States fully supports this message. The time is now for the Rwandan armed groups in Eastern Congo to disarm and repatriate or face consequences of further isolation and condemnation. In keeping with the Nairobi Communiqué, members of these groups should lay down their arms and seek assistance from Congolese authorities or the United Nations Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo to repatriate to Rwanda or, if eligible, regularize their status in Congo and resettle at locations agreed by the Congolese and Rwandan Governments.


Released on May 26, 2008

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