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2008-2012 Oregon SCORP
2003-2007 Oregon SCORP
2008-2012 Oregon SCORP
Girl with Apple
“Outdoor Recreation in Oregon: The Changing Face of the Future”
The current Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) for Oregon was completed by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) and accepted by the National Park Service (NPS) in January 2008.
[Click Here ] to access information about the 2008-2012 Oregon SCORP.
The following is a brief description of the plan:
Outdoor Recreation in Oregon: The Changing Face of the Future constitutes Oregon’s basic five-year plan for outdoor recreation. The purpose of the plan is to provide guidance for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) program and information and recommendations to guide federal, state, and local units of government, as well as the private sector, in making policy and planning decisions. The plan also provides guidance for other OPRD-administered grant programs and recommendations to the Oregon State Park System operations, administration, planning, development, and recreation programs. Each state is required to develop a SCORP to be eligible for matching grants from the LWCF grant program.
In this plan, OPRD has taken a proactive approach to addressing a limited number of important demographic and social changes facing outdoor recreation providers in Oregon including a rapidly aging population, fewer youth learning outdoor skills, an increasingly diverse population, and physical inactivity within the population. The planning process included a series of studies designed to provide outdoor recreation managers and planners across Oregon with usable knowledge to proactively address key statewide demographic and social changes including:
  • a statewide mail survey of “baby boomers” and “pre-boomers” and a separate analysis of factors affecting relocation to and within Oregon associated with the baby boomer and pre-boomer populations;
  • a statewide survey of Oregon youth and their parents;
  • a series of youth focus group interviews designed to explore the opinions and thoughts directly from youth;
  • a statewide mail survey of Oregon ’s Hispanic and Asian populations;
  • a series of focus group interviews designed to explore the opinions and thoughts of Oregon’s Hispanic, Asian and African-American populations;
  • a statewide study testing the hypothesis that people in Oregon with ready access to outdoor recreation opportunities are healthier than people residing in areas without access to such resources; and
  • a demographic analysis identifying high-priority counties and cities in Oregon associated with each of the four demographic and social changes.
The plan includes separate chapters for each of the four demographic and social changes. These chapters include an issue introduction, a description of how the issue will affect recreation providers, a review of current literature related to the issue, a summary of key SCORP research findings, and a set of key planning recommendations for assisting recreation providers across the state to proactively address the issue.
And finally, the appendices include population estimates and projection tables for Oregon counties and selected communities for specific demographic characteristics such as age, race/ethnicity, and health status. This information will help to strategically focus resources and efforts toward specific areas of the state where these issues are most relevant.

Two Pics
Outdoor Recreation and an Aging Oregon Population
With the baby boomer generation fast approaching an age where leisure activities will increase and retirement migration will peak, the implications of increasing recreational participation on park and recreation and for future non-metropolitan migration and population growth are substantial. This research component will assess the effects on outdoor recreation of two related trends–baby boomers moving into retirement and migration to and within Oregon.
A statewide survey was conducted using a random sample Oregon residents born between 1946 through 1964 (boomers) and between 1926 and 1945 (pre boomers), with names and addresses based on DMV records. A total of 4,562 surveys were mailed, with 1,219 returned. Adjusting for undeliverables, there was a 31% response rate.
Click on the links below to review/print a copy of the document listed:
Aging Survey Instrument
Executive Summary Report
Outdoor Recreation and an Aging Oregon Population
Aging Migration Report
Aging Migration Executive Summary

Encouraging Youth Outdoor Recreation in Oregon
Analysis of past SCORP results indicates that participation in traditional outdoor recreation activities is decreasing, and this may be due to decreasing youth participation.  Anecdotal information and recent analysis indicate that youth participation in outdoor activities is decreasing because of several factors including increased urbanization, loss of free time, increase in single-parent family households, and greater focus on electronic activities (TV, video games, and internet).  Research has shown that people who do not participate in outdoor recreation as youth are less likely to participate in those activities as adults (with implications also for the next generation).  An investment in stimulating youth participation now may be critical for achieving positive conservation attitudes in the future, and ultimately for maintaining support for agencies that manage natural areas.  This project will involve several research methods designed to identify factors that limit youth participation and opportunities for overcoming them.
Click on the links below to review/print a copy of the document listed:
Parent Survey Instrument
Youth Survey Instrument
Youth Survey Executive Summary
Youth Survey Report
Youth Focus Group Interview Report

A Growing Minority Population and Outdoor Recreation Participation in Oregon
People of color are transforming Oregon much faster that expected, arriving in larger numbers and settling in areas throughout the state. In general, minorities are less likely than whites to participate in outdoor recreation in the U.S. Minorities forgo the health, social, and other benefits of outdoor recreation, while natural areas, and the agencies that manage them, lose a potentially important group of supporters. Lower participation rates amongst minorities will become even more important in the future with the growth of the minority populations. This project will identify the factors limiting minority participation in Oregon and identify opportunities to increase this participation.
Click on the links below to review/print a copy of the document listed:
Diversity Survey Instrument
Diversity Survey Executive Summary
Diversity Survey Report
Diversity Focus Group Report

Health and Recreation Linkages in Oregon
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) rates of physical inactivity and obesity in the U.S. have reached epidemic proportions. Overweight and obesity are associated with increases in several chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and various cancers. In addition, overweight and obesity impose substantial costs on the United States’ health care system. Wolf (2001) estimated the total cost of obesity to be $117 billion in 2000.
A Healthy Oregon: The Statewide Physical Activity Plan, published in 2003 by the Oregon Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity, points out that the current epidemic of obesity in the U.S. has hit Oregon particularly hard. At 22%, our state has the highest percentage of adult obesity of any state west of the Rockies. Add that to the 38% of Oregon adults who are overweight and we have the startling total of 60% of Oregon adults not at a healthy weight. Our youth follow closely behind, with 28% of eight graders and 21% of eleventh graders currently overweight.
This project will test the hypothesis that local populations in Oregon with ready access to locally-provided outdoor recreation opportunities are healthier than areas without access to such resources. This information about the health-related benefits of outdoor recreation is useful to managers and policymakers who are increasingly challenged to both describe the benefits resulting from recreation projects and to allocate their scarce resources to providing high-quality recreation opportunities in addition to other public services.
Click on the link below to review/print a copy of the document listed:
Health and Recreation Linkages Report

2003-2007 Oregon SCORP
Strawberry Hill
The 2003-2007 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) for Oregon was completed by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) and accepted by the National Park Service (NPS) in January 2003.
[Click Here] to access information about the 2003-2007 Oregon SCORP.

Page updated: May 14, 2008

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