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About two-thirds of the total energy input to the aluminum industry is consumed during the electrolytic reduction of aluminum oxide, also known as alumina, to aluminum. This process has an electricity requirement of about 6.8 kWh/lb of aluminum produced. Alumina refining, in which alumina is extracted from bauxite ore via the Bayer process using natural gas, accounts for another 10% of industry energy use. Scrap melting (using natural gas) and anode production (split between electricity and natural gas) each represent approximately 5% of total energy use. Electricity is used to power casting and rolling mills, as well as to heat, light, and cool facilities.

Heat & Power Consumption by End Use - 1998
(NAICS 3313 Alumina and Aluminum)

Chart depicting Heat & Power Consumption by End Use, NAICS 3313 - 1998.  Click here to view data table.

Total Heat & Power = 441 Trillion Btu

Source: MECS 1998

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