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Issued on:  May 14, 2007

Another Milestone Reached in Coal Gasification Revenue-Sharing

DOE Receives $39.2 Million from Dakota Gasification/Basin Electric

Washington, DC - The successful partnership between the Department of Energy and Dakota Gasification Company, a subsidiary of Basin Electric Power Cooperative, recently marked another major milestone with the payment of $39.2 million to DOE under a revenue sharing agreement signed in 1988. 

Dakota Gasification presents check to Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman
Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman receives a $39.2 million
revenue sharing payment from (left) Ron Harper, CEO of Basin
Electric Power Cooperative. Looking on are members of the
North Dakota Delegation, from right, Senator Kent Conrad,
Representative Earl Pomeroy, and Senator Byron Dorgan.
The current payment of $39.2 million brings the total to over $285 million of revenue sharing payments DOE has received from the sale of synthetic natural gas from the Great Plains Synfuels Plant near Beulah, N.D. 

The Great Plains plant is the only U.S. commercial-scale gasification plant that produces synthetic natural gas from coal.  This pioneering gasification facility is paving the way for future applications of coal gasification and coal-to-liquids technologies to further develop and enhance domestic energy supplies, as well as mitigate international pressures on energy prices.

In the early 1980s, DOE guaranteed a $1.5 billion loan to the original developers of the Synfuels Plant. The developers defaulted on that loan in 1985, and the DOE repaid the lender and took control of the plant. DOE operated the plant from 1985-88, during which time the decision was made to offer the plant for sale through a bidding process. Under the terms of the sales agreement, in order for DOE to recover funds spent to repay the defaulted loan, the buyer, Dakota Gasification Company, agreed to share revenue from gas sales with DOE through 2009. The amount of revenue shared is based on a formula that takes into account natural gas prices and other economic indicators.

In addition, since 2000, CO2 from the plant has been transported via a 205-mile pipeline to the Weyburn Oil Field in southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada.  More than 10 million tons of CO2  has successfully been captured and transported to the oil field.  It has also doubled the field's oil recovery rate through a process called enhanced oil recovery.  This process injects CO2 into the reservoir to improve oil recovery, while a large portion of the injected CO2 remains permanently sequestered. 

Dakota Gasification Company is a member of the Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership - one of seven Carbon Sequestration Regional Partnerships established by DOE in September 2003 to begin developing the infrastructure for sequestration should widespread deployment of the technology be necessary in the future.  The partnerships encompass over 350 organizations throughout 40 states, four Canadian provinces, and three Indian nations.

- End of Techline

For more information, contact:

  • Mike Jacobs, FE Office of Communications, 202-586-0507

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DOE's Carbon Sequestration Research Program


DOE's Coal Gasification R&D Program




 Page owner:  Fossil Energy Office of Communications
Page updated on: May 14, 2007 

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