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August Bird Sightings at Fermilab

Author: Peter Kasper

July September
Year 2007 entries ...
Aug 29Aug 26Aug 19Aug 16Aug 12Aug 5

Wednesday, August 29

This morning we came across two Osprey along north Eola rd. during an Ecological Land Management committee tour of the site this morning and earlier on I had at least two Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at the Swan lake canal.

Sunday, August 26

The weather was nice for a change, but the mosquitoes were a nuisance as we tried to find birds on site this morning. It was very quiet everywhere we went and the recent heavy rains have raised the water level of Lake Logo high enough to eliminate the shorebird habitat. Nevertheless we did find Bell's Vireos, Red-breasted Nuthatches, and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird in the Sparrow Hedge area. There were also a few Tennessee Warblers and American Redstarts with a Black-throated Green Warbler and a calling Yellow-billed Cuckoo at the north end of the Big Woods.

Sunday, August 19

A combination of rain and mosquitoes made for a rather frustrating morning of birding. Nevertheless we still managed to find a few interesting birds. These included several Stilt Sandpipers at Lake Logo, a Chestnut-sided Warbler and several Tennessee Warblers in the Big Woods, and Northern Shovelers on Lake Law and Lake Logo.

Thursday, August 16

I did a quick tour of the sparrow hedge area this morning and was rewarded with a couple of unusual sightings. An American Woodcock flushed from the path at the far southeastern corner of the area while a few Tennessee Warblers and a Least Flycatcher marked an early beginning to the Fall passerine migration.

Sunday, August 12

Lake Logo was again good for shorebirds today. All the regulars were there and in addition there were a couple of Short-billed Dowitchers to add to the year's list. Apart from a Ruby-throated Hummingbird inside the tevatron ring, there seemed to be little else of interest to be found in the rest of the lab, though A.E.Sea did provide us with a Wilson's Snipe which was our first record for this time of year.

Sunday, August 5

We got rained out during the first part of the morning so our birding was somewhat limited in time. Lake Logo continues to be good for shore birds with increased numbers of all species seen last week as well as a few Semipalmated Plovers. A Northern Harrier was also frequenting the area around the lake. Elsewhere, a Caspian Tern was roosting at the south end of Lake Law and a Yellow-breasted Chat called briefly from the sparrow hedge area. However the big surprise of the day was an early Swainson's Thrush which was found along the north end of the Big Woods.

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