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Southern Company

At a Glance

Management of nuclear plants is a complex and tightly regulated function that requires the attention of experienced technicians and proven methods. Because Southern Nuclear manages multiple facilities it can apply many experiences on safety, training, engineering, and cost control from one plant to another.

Together, Plants Farley, Hatch and Vogtle provide more than 20 percent of the electricity used in Alabama and Georgia.

Additionally all three Southern Nuclear plants are certified wildlife habitats and home for deer and many other plants and animals.

Southern Nuclear    Southern Nuclear achieves exemplary ratings
for safety and performance from regulatory bodies such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Fun with Nuclear Physics!    Learn more about working in the nuclear industry

   Nuclear power 101.
Did you know safe, clean nuclear power comes from steam? Here's how.

   Nustart Energy
A consortium for new nuclear energy development. Nustart Energy.

Did You Know?

A subsidiary of Southern Company since 1990, Southern Nuclear is the licensed operator of three nuclear plants:

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