Division Headquarters
400 West King Street, Suite 400
Carson City, Nevada  89703
Telephone:  (775) 684-7260
Facsimile: (775) 687-6305

D. Roger Bremner
Phone:  (775) 684-7260
Fax:  (775) 687-6305

John Laxalt
Assistant Administrator
Phone:  (775) 684-7263
Fax:  (775) 687-6305

The Division of Industrial Relations promotes and enforces safety in the workplace. Should injury occur, the Division ensures the timely and appropriate delivery of benefits.

For more specific information related to health and safety, workers' compensation, or training of Nevada employees, please contact our sections listed at the left.



This page is Bobby Approved
Federal Rehabilitation Act (Section 508  
Last Updated: 07/22/08 09:56:57 AM