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October 21, 2008    DOL Home > ODEP > Publications > ACTION: Independence through Employment


The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) will expand its customized employment initiative to increase employment choices and earnings opportunities for people with disabilities. This initiative provides the opportunity to bring together in a local area multiple cutting-edge strategies and promising practices to increase employment for people with significant disabilities and promote systemic change within the states through the workforce investment system. Customizing employment is one of many proven options for increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Choice-based strategies, forms of person-directed financing, access to personal budgets, leveraging expertise across multiple systems, and mobilizing resources in states and local communities are all elements to increasing these opportunities. As part of this initiative, ODEP will expand its Customized Employment Grant Initiative which awarded grants to seven states in FY 2001 to additional states in FY 2002.

The Department of Labor will work to increase participation of faith-based and community-based organizations in providing customized employment services and opportunities to individuals with disabilities, and encourage their role in partnerships with other providers at the local level. ODEP will work in conjunction with DOL’s Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), and the Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration to develop technical assistance and training to help these organizations to increase their capacity, improve their knowledge and use of best practices, and expand their programs relating to the employment of people with disabilities. ODEP and ETA will provide information about conversion from segregated to integrated employment services for organizations that wish to incorporate such practices. ETA and ODEP will also provide information on effective grant writing, methods for responding to requests for proposals and solicitations, and accessing funding opportunities related to employ-ment of people with disabilities. 

ODEP will initiate an Olmstead Community Employment Initiative. ODEP will develop and implement a coordinated strategy to ensure that all DOL policies and activities fully address the employment and training needs of people with disabilities who are at risk of institutionalization, or who are transitioning from institutions into the workplace and the community. As part of this initiative, ODEP will award Olmstead Coordination and Action Grants. These grants will be awarded to states that (1) develop an employment focus for persons with disabilities in their Olmstead state implementation plans and activities, and (2) incorporate activities coordinating employment and related supports at the state and local level. Recipients will be a consortia of nonprofit advocacy or service agencies and Local Workforce Investment Boards (Local Boards), which will conduct aggressive and intensive outreach to persons with significant disabilities who are leaving or have already left institutions, who are currently in segregated environments, and/or who are at risk of segregation.

ODEP, working within DOL and with other Federal agencies, will develop and implement an action plan to promote self-employment and small business development among people with disabilities, particularly those with the most significant disabilities. Ten years post-passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, entrepreneurship provides a key next step in the full participation of individuals with disabilities in America’s communities. As part of this plan, ODEP will work with other relevant agencies, including the Small Business Administration, the Social Security Administration, the Treasury Department, and the Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration to educate lenders about the viability of small business owner-ship for people with disabilities. 

In addition, the Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) will conduct bimonthly vendor outreach sessions, periodically targeted to veterans with service-connected and nonservice-connected disabilities. PRO-Net will be employed to identify small businesses that are owned by disabled persons and service-disabled veterans for existing procurement opportunities.

ETA awarded $20 million in Work Incentive Grants. Designed to enhance the employability, employment, and career advancement of people with disabilities through enhanced service delivery in the One-Stop delivery system established under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), the Work Incentive Grant program will fund consortia and/or partnerships of public and private non-profit entities working in coordination with the One-Stop delivery system to augment existing programs and services and ensure programmatic access and streamlined, seamless service delivery for people with disabilities.

ETA awarded $5.6 million to multi-state employment and training projects serving people with disabilities. This skill-training grant program is funded using Workforce Investment Act Title I, Section 171 funds and targets projects providing multi-site training and other employment services to individuals with disabilities that result in long-term, unsubsidized employment.

ETA developed a Training and Employment Notice (TEN) on the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act. This TEN provides the workforce investment system with information on how to prepare for the introduction of the Ticket by explaining how tickets work generally, and provides guidance for the early implementation states on what to do when presented with a Ticket.

ODEP, ETA, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management’s (OASAM’s) Civil Rights Center (CRC), will conduct disability-focused reviews and evaluations of implementation of Section 188 of WIA, the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity obligations. Under the leadership of the CRC, these evaluations will enable the Department of Labor to identify further areas in which federal training and technical assistance activities are needed to eliminate barriers and to prevent disability discrimination in the WIA programs.

The Assistant Secretary of ODEP will participate as a member of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)-Led Federal Partners Working Group on the implementation of the Workforce Investment Act. The involvement of the ODEP will help to ensure that the employment-related needs of people with disabilities are addressed within the context of the generic workforce system.

ODEP, along with our federal agency partners, will promote teleworking by identifying current positions that can be relocated or restructured to provide possible home-based or other off-site working opportunities. Harnessing the power and potential of new communications and information technologies, teleworking will allow more people with disabilities to enter the American workforce. Jobs under consideration for restructuring include those appropriate for call center operations, and "contact center" work such as claims processing, loan processing, debt collection, audit resolution, and a variety of miscellaneous financial transactions and grant/contract management activity. In addition, ODEP will sponsor three telework pilot projects.

ODEP will launch a comprehensive and coordinated public awareness and education campaign to decrease stigma, eliminate attitudinal barriers, and increase employment opportunities for adults and youth with disabilities. This multi-faceted campaign will target business and industry, lenders, small businesses, families, and others. The campaign will also focus on making people with disabilities aware of mainstream employment-related services available to them and providing highly-visible role models. Successful entrepreneurs who have disabilities will also be profiled through a variety of mainstream media outlets to increase awareness about the self-employment potential of people with disabilities.

ETA and ODEP will release Building Employment Success for Persons with Disabilities Under Welfare Reform. This technical assistance guide will assist the workforce investment system in better serving and working with individuals who have hidden disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, mental retardation, psychiatric disabilities, and addictive disorders).

The Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (PWBA) will expand its education campaigns and programs to provide more education and outreach directed toward Americans with disabilities who are entering the workplace. Building on its current materials, PWBA will develop new materials addressing the importance of health benefits coverage and the important choices to be made about health benefits when entering the workforce, and specific information/questions relevant to Americans with disabilities. PWBA will also expand its materials addressing the importance of saving for a secure future and will provide information on retirement benefit plan rights to assist American workers with disabilities. 

ODEP and PWBA are conducting research on issues related to retirement savings and asset development for people with disabilities. Among other things, this research will focus on issues of specific concern to people with disabilities who receive Supple-mental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits, such as asset exclusions and limits; the potential of Individual Development Accounts and other savings/asset development tools; information and ideas for entrepreneurs and small business owners with disabilities; and ideas for creating new partnerships with public and private sector organizations.

ODEP will collaborate with the Employment Standards Administration’s (ESA’s) Wage and Hour Division to provide technical assistance to employers certified under 14(c). ODEP will work with the Wage and Hour Division at ESA to distribute training and technical assistance materials — especially to employers certified under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act to pay commensurate wages — on successful strategies for increasing customized employment and productivity of workers with significant disabilities. The Wage and Hour Division will also monitor compliance with Section 14(c) requirements by conducting investigation-based compliance surveys of employers who hold Section 14(c) certificates.

ODEP will work in collaboration with ESA’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) to explore mutual partnerships with employer organizations like the National Industry Liaison Group (NILG), the Business Leadership Networks (BLNs), and other employer groups to effectively promote the employment of people with disabilities. This collaborative effort with representatives from business, industry, and education may include the development of combined technical assistance materials, training seminars, joint conferences and the development of additional public/private partnerships to improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities among Federal contractors.

ODEP, in conjunction with other appropriate agencies and departments, will convene a key group of foundation leaders for a foundation summit. The purpose of the summit will be to examine how government agencies, businesses, and the foundation sector can work together to facilitate employment for young people and adults with disabilities. The summit will provide an opportunity to elevate understanding of the issues related to employment of people with disabilities, as well as the role that the foundation community could play in addressing barriers. In addition, it will provide the opportunity for foundation leaders to integrate initiatives relating to employment for people with disabilities into existing foundation initiatives and ensure that such initiatives are accessible to people with disabilities.

ODEP will work with other federal agencies to promote the full inclusion of veterans with disabilities in the programs and services governed by Local Workforce Investment Boards. ODEP will consult with internal DOL agencies, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Small Business Administration, the Office of Personnel Management, and other relevant agencies, as well as stakeholders. 

ODEP will collaborate with the Department of Labor’s International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB), on a variety of mutually agreed-upon efforts to help ensure that those international labor policies, programs, and projects over which the ILAB has administrative authority will take into account the employment-related concerns of people with disabilities. The ODEP will serve as a technical assistance resource to ILAB in areas such as international child labor, briefings and tours for foreign labor delegations, immigration studies, and U.S. labor affairs representation at meetings and workgroups sponsored/hosted by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Employment and Social Affairs Directorate of the European Commission, and other international organizations.

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