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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 28, 2007

Under Secretary Dobriansky Hosts Northern Ireland Ministers and U.S. Business Leaders to Discuss Investment in Northern Ireland

The Honorable Paula J. Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, and the President’s Special Envoy on Northern Ireland, invited visiting Northern Ireland ministers to meet with a small group of U.S. business leaders at the State Department Thursday, June 28. The delegation which included Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness; Minister of Finance and Personnel Peter Robinson; Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment Nigel Dodds; Minister of Social Development Margaret Ritchie; and Junior Minister Gerry Kelly, discussed business development and investment opportunities in key sectors of their economy. “Northern Ireland has entered a new era,” Dobriansky said, “and the U.S. wants to explore ways that we can help encourage investment in Northern Ireland that will help build the shared future the people of Northern Ireland so deeply deserve.” Part of that effort involves supporting Northern Ireland’s plans to host an investment conference in the coming months, and today’s breakfast meeting was an initial step to explore the ways the U.S. could be of assistance.

Under Secretary Dobriansky, who led the Presidential Delegation that witnessed the historic restoration of power to the Northern Ireland Assembly on May 8, traveled to Belfast in early June. During that trip, she spent considerable time with local business and community leaders, victims of the troubles, politicians, and many others working towards a better Northern Ireland for all members of society. “Repeatedly, I heard that economic development and inward investment are crucial to sustained peace and a better future; as the President’s Special Envoy on Northern Ireland, I am committed to addressing these priorities.” The outcomes of the meeting include the establishment of an advisory group for U.S. participation in the Northern Ireland economic conference and a plan to send three trade delegations to Northern Ireland in coming months.


Released on June 28, 2007

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