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 You are in: Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs > Bureau of Public Affairs: Press Relations Office > Press Releases (Other) > 2006 > July 
Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 10, 2006

Under Secretary Paula Dobriansky Leads Senior U.S. Delegation to Libya: Deputy Secretary Alex Azar, Health and Human Services, and Deputy Secretary David Sampson, Department of Commerce Join Effort to Build Science and Technology Cooperation

Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky will lead a U.S delegation to Tripoli, Libya, from July 10-13, 2006, to meet with Libyan Foreign Minister Abd al-Rahman Shalgham and other high-level Libyan government officials on a range of science and technology issues. Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M. Azar II, Deputy Secretary of Commerce David A. Sampson, and the National Academy of Sciences Executive Officer William Colglazier will accompany the Under Secretary to help lay a firm foundation for robust engagement in areas such as health, science, technology, oceans, and the environment.

The visit to Libya, soon after the recent resumption of full diplomatic relations and the June 30, 2006, rescission of Libya’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism, signals a new phase in U.S.–Libyan relations. Science collaboration creates opportunities for collaboration between societies and a favorable atmosphere in which to exchange information. This mission’s focus on health, science, technology, and the environment sends a clear message that the United States seeks to address issues that will enhance the Libyan people’s quality of life and further integrate Libya into the international community.

The Commerce Department includes several agencies with significant expertise in science and technology, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Patent and Trademark Office. Introducing these agencies to senior Libyan officials and providing the opportunity for U.S. officials to express their interest in expanded cooperation with Libya is an important objective of the delegation's visit. In addition, the delegation will discuss international cooperation on health issues, including a $1 million program administered by the Department of Health and Human Services to assist the Libyan government to undertake pandemic influenza planning, upgrade disease surveillance and response measures, and increase laboratory capacity. The National Academy of Sciences seeks to increase interaction between U.S. and Libyan scientific communities bilaterally and through multinational conferences.


Released on July 10, 2006

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