Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
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U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia
Title: A Reliance on Smart Power - Reforming the Public Diplomacy Bureaucracy
Date: 9/23/08
Time (EST): 2:30 PM
Place: Dirksen Senate Office Building, Rm. 342
The hearing will examine the elements of the federal government responsible for coordinating our public diplomacy, including their respective missions, organizational structures, workforce, and management.
Panel 1
  Mr. Christopher Midura , Acting Director , Office of Policy, Planning, and Resources for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State
  Ambassador Scott H. Delisi , Director , Career Development and Assignments, Bureau of Human Resources, U.S. Department of State
  Mr. Rick A. Ruth , Director , Office of Policy and Evaluation, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State
  Mr. Peter Kovach , Director , Global Strategic Engagement Center, U.S. Department of State

Panel 2
  The Honorable Douglas K. Bereuter , President & CEO , The Asia Foundation
  Ambassador Elizabeth F. Bagley , Vice Chairman , U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy
  Mr. Stephen M. Chaplin , Senior Advisor , The American Academy of Diplomacy
  The Honorable Ronna A. Freiberg , Former Director , Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, United States Information Agency
  The Honorable Jill A. Schuker , Fellow , University of Southern California - Center for Public Diplomacy

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510