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POC Editor - Checklist

Reviewing Submitted Files

  1. Act on the Jobs list under the Workflow tab (Make sure you check for new jobs on your Jobs list periodically. You can do this by clicking on your browser's "Refresh" button or by monitoring your email.)
  2. Take Ownership of a job:
    1. Select All Jobs Pending Task Assignment from the View menu below the Jobs and Tasks icons. Find the listing for a job that has been sent to you and click on it. For more information on finding jobs, see "How do I find TeamSite Jobs?."
    2. Information about the job will appear in the lower pane. There should be one item listed in the section labeled Active Tasks, with a task description of "POC Group Review". Click the small square icon to the right of the task number.
    3. Now you'll see a pop-up window that has information about this particular task. In the center of the section that's below the opening comments, there's a box labeled Owner, and below that there's a link labeled Take. Click the Take link to take ownership of the task.
  3. For templated HTML files:
    1. To review a file, click the Preview link to the right of the file path under Attached Files. In the pop-up Preview window, click the link for your file(s) to view them.
    2. Look at the file(s) in both IE and Firefox for obvious errors. Make sure the page still works (all the images load and links work).
    3. When you're done looking at the page, close the browser window and then click OK to close the Preview window.
  4. For non-HTML and non-templated HTML files:
    1. To review a file, click the Preview link to the right of the file path under Attached Files. In the pop-up Preview window, click the link for your file(s) to view them.
    2. Look at the file(s) in both IE and Firefox for obvious errors. Make sure the page still works (all the images load and links work).
    3. Make sure non-templated page displays well at different screen resolutions (800x600, larger in both browsers).
    4. When you're done looking at the file, close the browser window and then click OK to close the Preview window.
    5. If editing an MS Word document, make sure to see "How do I fix problems in MS Word documents?"
  5. Make sure content has been approved by POC for publishing, and that the content has been cleared by the proof readers.
  6. Make sure the marked up version accurately reflects any current print version. In other words, if this is the HTML version of a print publication, the HTML version needs to match the content of the print version.
  7. Make sure that links outside of the Department follow the rules for disclaimers located at http://www.ed.gov/internal/wwwstds.html#link.
  8. Check for Privacy Act Policies links on all needed pages. All principal entry points need them - see http://www.ed.gov/internal/wwwstds.html#privacy. If an office has its own privacy act notice, it can link to that, but it needs to be cleared with DST/OPA before it can be used. Also, any page that collects personally identifiable information needs OMB form clearance. For new pages, the visual check should pick this up since this collection is usually done using forms.
  9. Ensure that the text and alt tags are spelled correctly (especially proper names).
  10. Check for adherence to ED Style Guide (http://www.ed.gov/internal/styleguide/) and ED Web Standards/Guidelines (http://www.ed.gov/internal/wwwstds.html).
  11. Make sure the document is accessible (Follow the Section 508 standards at http://www.ed.gov/internal/accessibility.html.) Guidance for making PDF documents accessible is available at http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/accessiblepdf.doc. If you are unsure whether or not the document is accessible, please contact your DST representative.
  12. Preview the file before approving it.

NOTE: Do not move or rename files in TeamSite. When files are renamed, deleted or moved, they break links across the web, and can create duplicate material on ED.gov if not handled correctly. If you have to rename, delete or move a file in TeamSite, please contact your DST representative in order to either move the file to the correct place and/or to delete all versions of the file in TeamSite.

Reviewing Metadata

(This can be done once you have started a task by choosing File>Set Metadata to the right of the file path under Attached Files.)
  1. Make sure Title is correct and unique. [Put unique part of the title first. If everything starts with "Office of the Chief Information Officer…" then it will be difficult to tell by the title in the search results if that resource is what the customer wants.]
  2. Make sure the Identifier is the URL of the file [if you or the author copied metadata from another file that file's URL is copied also.]
  3. Verify that the most specific terms possible for subject, audience, and resource type are used. [The site http://www.ed.gov/admin/reference/index.jsp allows you to search the metadata vocabulary.]
  4. Make sure that content date is the date of the content. For instance, if this is a news page with a new item, make sure the content date is the date of the new item. If you are archiving an item from January 1999, the content date is January 1999, not the date you are performing the archiving action.

Submitting the File(s)

  1. Make sure any necessary images or other files are sent forward together and that all pieces are ready to go.
  2. Approve file(s) to DST only after careful review OR reject back to the author. Include meaningful comments. [If you are rejecting the file, provide a brief explanation. If you are approving the file, you need only note that it is ready for posting to the live site.] For more information on approving jobs, see "How do I review and approve TeamSite jobs?".
  3. Report problems with workflow or metadata to your DST contact.

The TeamSite Manual and Tips are located at http://www.ed.gov/internal/TeamsiteManuals/index.html.

Ongoing content maintenance & monitoring responsibilities

  1. Archive/delete/update/replace/validate content.
  2. Monitor content for currency, factual accuracy, policy alignment.
  3. Maintain contact information (contact person, phone, email, etc.)
  4. Archive: set metadata; put visual cues in document; point to later version or stable entry-point.
  5. If you would like to delete a file: keep a local copy. DST and AC Technology do not preserve copies of deleted files. Once you have done this, you will need to contact your DST representative with the name of the file and where it is located in TeamSite in order for the file to be deleted. Do not delete the file out of your work area.
  6. Run LinkScan at http://linkscan.ed.gov/linkscan/linkscan.cgi: detect/fix broken links, other link problems, orphaned files. For information on how to use LinkScan, see "How do I use LinkScan?"
  7. Run Urchin to monitor web site usage. Note the most or least visited pages and decide whether to rearrange, expand or retire content. For Urchin usage information, consult the Urchin Quick Reference Guide.
  8. Coordinate program changes with the Guide To Education Programs (GTEP).

Note: For archiving instructions see"How do I archive files?". For instructions on removing a job, contact your DST representative.

This page last modified June 30, 2006 (jer).

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