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E-News graphic, Latest Edition/Volume 3 - Number 1 January 2004 - Photos representing working women - Digital Imagery© copyright 2001 PhotoDisc, Inc.

"The Voice of Working Women"
Women Business Owners

Pictured with the President from left to right are: Lurita Doan of Reston, Va.; Maria Coakley David of Falls Church, Va.; Sharon Evans of Fort Worth, Texas; Nancy Connolly of Littleton, Mass.; and Catherine Giordano of Virginia Beach, Va. White House photo by Tina Hager. President Bush Meets with Women Business Owners

President George W. Bush thanks women business owners for participating in a conversation about the economy at the U.S. Department of Commerce.

As he has done on numerous occasions, President George W. Bush met recently with women business owners, hosting a discussion at the U.S. Commerce Department on January 9th. At the event, he praised the efforts of women entrepreneurs for their help in strengthening the economy. In response, women business owners thanked President Bush for putting in place the right mix of policies to help their businesses grow.

"I'm honored to be joined by entrepreneurs, strong, strong women who have taken the lead in their businesses and are providing a great service to our country", said the President.

Following introductory remarks by President Bush, five women business owners discussed how the tax incentives and tax relief made possible through his economic growth package last year have helped them make investments and grow their businesses. They reported that they have been able to hire more people and give back to their employees through increased wages and higher 401-k contributions.

For example, the President heard the story of Sharon Evans, CEO of CFJ Manufacturing, who started her business 20 years as a single mother with three children.

"It was myself and one other employee," began Ms. Evans

"Today, we have 85 employees. Because of the tax relief this last year, we were able to hire new employees, and we were able to purchase $170,000 in equipment. For the first time in four years, we were able to bonus our employees, and we saw those bonuses reinvested in our 401-k program," she added.

Pictured from left to right are: Julie Lenzer-Kirk, President of Allied Creative Technology; Karen Kerrigan, President and CEO of WE Inc.; and Sheila Drohan, CEO of Corporate Fitness Works.
Each of the women business owners participating in the interactive session with President Bush cited similar investment and growth results as a result of his economic growth package. The President stated that more job creation and growth could take place if small business provisions of the tax package were made permanent by Congress.

"Job creation is vital. Permanency in the tax code will mean more job creation," remarked President Bush.

In the end, President Bush said it was the hard work of the women he spoke with that is responsible for the success of their firms.

"The tax relief helped, but none of these women should discount their courage and their vision and their willingness to take risks and to make wise decisions," he concluded.

The Women's Bureau is proud to support President Bush's initiatives in strengthening the economy by supporting women entrepreneurs and their businesses. For more information about President Bush's discussion with women business owners, please visit:

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