BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Global Automotive Team

Auto Components in China Webinar

asia webinar1

Looking Beyond Beijing & Shanghai:
Hot Opportunities for Automotive Components in China’s
Emerging Dynamic Markets


August 2, 2007
7:00-8:15 pm ET


China’s emerging, dynamic markets represent great potential for American exporters, and in particular suppliers of automotive components. Yet, these second-tier cities are often overlooked as firms rigorously pursue hubs such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. 


The US Commercial Service will hold a webinar intended to educate U.S. automotive component suppliers on the promising sales opportunities in China’s dynamic emerging markets, why they are critical to long term market penetration plans, and how to best approach these markets.


BONUS: The US Commercial Service China has recently completed a 23-page market research report on the automotive sector in China’s second-tier cities. This market research report will not be released to the general public until January 2008. As a participant, US firms will receive this report FREE of CHARGE at the time of registration.



DATE: Tuesday, August 2, 2007
TIME: 7:00-8:15 PM EST/6:00-6:15 PM CST/4:00-5:15 PM PST
PLACE: Your personal computer
COST: $50 (cost includes webinar fee AND 23 page market research report on China’s automotive components industry)



7:00-7:05 PM    Welcome   

China Business Information Center

US Commercial Service Automotive Team


7:05-7:10 PM            Specialty Equipment Manufacturer’s Association (SEMA)


7:10-7:30 PM            Key Trends and Market Dynamics, Importance of 2nd Tier Cities and, Strategies for Penetrating These Markets

Yu-Chien Chen, Senior Commercial Officer, US Commercial Service – Shanghai


7:30-7:45 PM            Top Regional Markets for Automotive Components, Buyers, Suppliers and Best Prospects

Edward Gwinn, Managing Director, DEGlobal Ltd. - Shanghai


7:45-8:00 PM            Intellectual Property: IP Landscape, Corporate Considerations, and Risk Mitigation Strategies

Mark Cohen, Commercial Attaché, IPR, US Embassy-Beijing (invited)


8:00-8:15 PM            Q&A






Webinar promotion and registration page to be featured on 

A fee of $50 will be offered to the general public.  Association members can provide a membership discount code to register for $35.  Upon registration, firms will receive a copy of the just published, 23-page research report on China’s Automotive Components Industry. This report will not be made available through traditional CS research library channels until 2008.


[Note: because of USG restrictions on the distribution of market research, firms will have to self certify their products/services are 51% US content to receive the research report.  Firms not certifying as such will receive an executive summary and the chance to join the webinar.]

Following the live webinar, an archived recording of the broadcast can be viewed on line. The general public can register, receive a copy of the research report, and view the recording for $40.

SEMA members can view the recording, and receive a report copy at a discounted fee of $25.


Six months following the webinar, the research report will be entered into the Commercial Service’s market research library and will be available to businesses self-certifying their products or services are 51% US content.