June issue of AmberWaves

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June 2003

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AmberWaves June 2003 > Features >

McDonalds in China

China’s Growing Affluence:
How Food Markets are Responding

The increased spending power and changing eating habits of China's 1.3 billion people are transforming the country's food sector, creating new opportunities and challenges for U.S. farmers.

H. Frederick Gale


Plant Genetic Resources:
New Rules for International Exchange

With one of the largest collections of plant germplasm in the world, the U.S. weighs the costs and benefits of a new treaty in germplasm exchange.

Kelly Day-Rubenstein
Paul Heisey


Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows:
Recent Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs

Policymakers strive to make efficient use of taxpayer dollars in the design and administration of USDA's food assistance programs. Balance must be struck between keeping costs low and serving program goals.

Mark A. Prell

Rural Street

Rural Welfare Reform:
Lessons Learned

The transition from welfare to work is proving more difficult in rural than in urban areas, especially in remote, sparsely populated areas where job opportunities are few.

Leslie A. Whitener
Robert Gibbs
Lorin Kusmin